United against sexual harassment

I would like, like all, that there was no celebration of 8m because, then, it would be that the world would be a safe space for all. But, as long as that does not happen, we have to continue claiming our rights to the living voice and rejecting machismo, at least one day a year. As sexual harassment is or has been present in the lives of all and this 2025 we have known spooky or surprising cases that have put us on guard, I propose a reflection on this misfortune that leaves us scars difficult to cure. Let us look for common territories, we fight together against the sexual harassment that all concerns us and we carry that day to day, each to their home, to their work and their political party.

This is the story of a Spanish woman who can be you or me. He would be four or five years old when he played in the garden of the neighbors with other girls of his age. It was a morning without school and little hustle in the street where cars were just passed. It must be almost noon but there was still a while for parents to come from the office and grandmother of the friends to send the entire offspring back home for lunch. “Every owl to his olive tree,” he used to say. It was soon for that. However, she was hungry and took advantage of a stop at children’s games to get home for a piece of bread to entertain the stomach. The stone building had three floors without elevator. The street door was always open and Iron hand of the caller sustained the ball patiently, always willing to hit one, two or three times, depending on the floor I would like to call the visit. He entered the umbría of the portal on the same time that he listened to a strong whistle of the street, as if they were called.

#United #sexual #harassment

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