Under the leadership and support of His Highness Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Vice President of the State, Deputy Prime Minister, Head of the Presidential Office, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Emirates Competitiveness Council, and as a reflection of the success of government policies with regard to the Emiratisation file, the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation announced that the numbers of citizens working in… The private sector, by the end of the Emiratisation targets for the year 2023, reached approximately 92 thousand, a jump of approximately 157% compared to the number of citizens working in the private sector in September 2021 when the “Nafis” program was launched.
The issue of Emiratisation in the private sector is at the top of the priorities of the UAE government, in implementation of the directives of the wise leadership, which has provided all support in order to establish sustainable rules and an integrated system that guarantees the attraction and employment of citizens in this vital sector.
The announced tally is the highest historically since the start of monitoring the number of citizens working in the private sector in the country, and is a clear indication of the effectiveness of Emiratisation policies and decisions and the establishment of the “Nafis” programme, which constitutes a strong impetus for the Emiratisation file and supports efforts aimed at accelerating the achievement of its goals and sustaining employment processes throughout the year. In light of the leadership, support and follow-up of His Highness Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan.
The Ministry praised the commitment of more than 19,000 private companies to employ citizens in accordance with Emiratisation decisions and policies, which contributed to the historic and unprecedented increase in the number of citizens joining private sector jobs.
This comes with the continued achievement of Emiratisation targets for the year 2024 for companies that employ 50 or more employees, which is to achieve Emiratisation growth rates of 2% of their skilled jobs on a semi-annual basis, i.e. 1% during the first half of the year and 1% during the second half of 2024.
Financial contributions were applied to companies that are not committed to achieving Emiratisation targets during the year 2023 this January, in implementation of Emiratisation policies and decisions.
The year 2024 will witness the implementation of the Council of Ministers’ decision regarding expanding the base of private companies targeted for Emiratization, to include companies numbering more than 12,000 in 14 specific economic activities and employing 20 to 49 workers. This decision is expected to provide 12,000 job opportunities for citizens annually during Years 2024 and 2025.
The decision aims to appoint at least one citizen in 2024 and another citizen in 2025, while annual financial contributions will be imposed on companies that are not committed to achieving what is required of them, amounting to 96 thousand dirhams for the citizen who has not been appointed, starting in January 2025 for the year 2024. While financial contributions worth 108 thousand dirhams will be imposed in January 2026 for the year 2025, and companies are allowed to pay the value of the contributions in installments in agreement with the Ministry.
The Ministry had informed the targeted companies through its digital system of the need to comply with the decision in a way that would give them sufficient opportunity to achieve the targets required of them.
The aforementioned companies operate in 14 main economic activities, including information and communications, financial and insurance activities, real estate activities, professional, scientific and technical activities, administrative and support services activities, education, activities in the field of human health and social work, arts and entertainment, mining and quarrying, and industries. Manufacturing, construction, wholesale and retail trade, transportation and warehousing, and accommodation and hospitality service activities.
The step to expand the base of companies targeted for nationalization was based on a study of the economic activities and the reality of the selected companies that employ 20 to 49 workers, which showed their rapid growth and their ability to provide jobs and an appropriate work environment, which would attract citizens to work in these companies, which constitutes a strong boost. To localize, accelerate the achievement of its goals, and enhance the private sector’s contribution to this national file.
The Ministry noted the benefits and advantages granted to companies that join the Emiratisation Partners Club, including reducing the Ministry’s fees by up to 80%, giving them priority in the government procurement system in cooperation with the Ministry of Finance, and benefiting from the benefits of the “Nafis” program for companies and individuals, and other advantages that meet the requirements of their business growth. And its continued leadership.
The Ministry called on companies to take advantage of the “Nafis” program platform, which is full of citizens seeking work with qualitative competencies in various fields and who are qualified to fill the required positions, warning at the same time against the consequences of resorting to attempts to circumvent Emiratisation targets, or employing citizens in a sham manner. .
The UAE is implementing a comprehensive policy that includes motivation, training and qualification of citizens in many fields, in an effort to improve their skills and ensure that they obtain the jobs they aspire to in the private sector as a main pillar of a decent life, and to enhance their contribution to leading the country’s economic development and progress.
The Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation has set many obligations and controls that enhance adherence to the Emiratisation system and avoid sham Emiratisation practices. Through its digital system, the Ministry has been able to control 995 private companies proven to have violated Emiratisation decisions by attempting to circumvent Emiratisation targets and sham Emiratisation, since the middle of the year. 2022 to date, explaining that 1,660 citizens were appointed in a formal manner, which resulted in taking the necessary legal measures, and the Ministry stressed that it deals firmly with such limited negative practices in the Emirati labor market.
The controls stipulate that when employing citizens in the private sector, the company must enable the citizen to perform his work and provide the appropriate workplace and tools, while providing qualification, training and empowerment to complete the necessary work.
The employer is obligated, in accordance with the regulations, to obtain a work permit for the citizen from the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation, conclude an employment contract in accordance with the systems in force in the Ministry, and pay the agreed-upon wage in accordance with the Wage Protection System, in addition to registering the citizen in the pension and social insurance system and paying monthly contributions in accordance with the legislation regulating that. Within one month from the date of issuance of his work permit.
The controls prevent the employer from giving the citizen a lower wage than his counterparts who perform the same job tasks, or reducing the citizen’s wage under the pretext of benefiting from government support programs.
On the other hand, the controls set by the Ministry specify the citizen’s obligations when he joins work in the private sector, including adherence to the obligations contained in the decree law regarding the organization of labor relations and its executive regulations, the decisions issued in implementation of them, the decisions related to the Nafes program, and the obligations contained in the employment contract signed by him.
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