Two finance inspectors have ratified the reports they prepared on Alberto González Amadorcouple of the president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, in those who detected irregularities that they understand that they suppose Fiscal Fraudand on which the Prosecutor’s Office was based to denounce and give rise to the judicial procedure that follows against him.
The head of the Court of Instruction number 19 of Madrid has made a statement this Friday to the person who made the inspection and an inspector of the Crime Unit of the Tax Agency who later made a second report ratifying the first, as detailed by legal sources.
The first inspector has declared during more than two and a half hours Ratifying the report that prepared at the end of 2023 after an inspection that began in May 2022, which reflected irregularities related to the Corporation Tax of Alberto González Amador corresponding to the years of the year 2020 and 2021.
The witness has exposed her report, which consists of about 200 folios, and has answered questions from all parties, especially the defense, which has been exposing the technical discrepancies that it detected, according to sources present in the statement. In addition, González Amador’s defense sources have advanced that they will assess whether they present a expert report to argue those discrepancies.
The second inspector has declared for a few minutes in which he has ratified the report he made about his partner’s investigation, who validated. Both, according to other sources present in the testimony, have affirmed that They did not know that Alberto González Amador was a couple Díaz Ayuso when they opened the inspection and filed the complaint with the Prosecutor for Fiscal Fraud and documentary falsehood.
According to the same sources, the experts have also indicated that the prosecutor who resorted to González Amador, Javier Gómez Fidalgo – who represented it at meetings with the Treasury during the inspection – knew the methods used by his client in the alleged fraud.
González Amador did not declare
Immaculate Magistrate Iglesias cited these two witnesses on February 24, after González Amador welcomed her right to Do not declare As investigated in the case, open almost a year ago and that was born from a complaint from the Prosecutor’s Office based on these reports by the Tax Agency on the company Maxwell Cremona, managed by Ayuso’s boyfriend.
In this main procedure, González Amador is investigated by two alleged fiscal fraud crimes of 350,961 euros between 2020 and 2021 and an alleged network of false invoices in which the other four investigated in the case would have allegedly intervened. The couple of the Madrid president was initially willing to recognize these facts: his lawyer proposed by mail an pact to the prosecutor and recognized in his name the commission of two crimes in exchange for a reduction in the request for penalty.
The filtration to the press of this mail ended up leading to an open judicial case in the Supreme Court against the State Attorney General, Álvaro García Ortizfor alleged revelation of secrets. In addition, the magistrate who investigates him opened in October a separate piece to investig Chirón Prevention Company.
Precisely this Thursday has transcended that the judge has summoned him to declare as investigated on April 10 in the framework of this separate piece, after the Provincial Court endorsed the opening of the same.
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