The National Police has arrested two men, 22 and 24 years old in the region of Pamplona, as alleged perpetrators of sexual assault on a child under 14 who would have taken place last October at a home in the Pamplona neighborhood of La Rochapea.
The investigation, ordered by the Court of Instruction No. 4 of Pamplona, has been carried out by the Provincial Judicial Police Brigade, specifically by members of the Family and Women’s Attention Unit, taking into account the nature of the crime denounced and the age of the victim of the facts.
The child told the agents that he had been sexually assaulted by two men after having agreed with one of them, with whom he had exchanged messages through a social network. Once in the alleged domicile of the young man, he began to carry out sexual behaviors on her without her consent, getting to penetrate her, despite her refusal, while the other man performed touching her and witnessed the aggression, they explain from the National Police.
The victim was unaware of the complete identity of the alleged authors as well as the real place of residence or their work, so the investigations had to lead to first find out the complete filiation of the alleged aggressors. Following some photographs provided by the child, the Provincial Scientific Police Brigade, using a novel tool, provided investigators with a series of candidates who enabled the continuation of police efforts.
Once the identity of the alleged authors could be determined, the search for them began, establishing various surveillance devices that culminated in their detention. Pamplona’s Court of Instruction number 4 has provisionally issued a departure order of these two individuals with respect to the victim.
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