TV ratings Wednesday 7 August 2024: audience and share of yesterday’s programs
TV RATINGS – What was the plan most viewed in TV of yesterday evening, Wednesday 7th August 2024? On Rai 1 Spash was broadcast. On Rai 2 the Paris 2024 Olympics. On Rai 3 Newsroom. On Rete 4 Zona bianca. On Canale 5 Mollo tutto e apron un chiringuito. On Italia 1 Chicago PD. But who had the highest TV ratings? Tuesday 6th August 2024? Below is all the data that will be released starting at 10 am.
TV ratings Wednesday 7 August 2024, prime time | Auditel data and share of yesterday evening’s programs
Access prime time | Auditel data and share of yesterday evening’s programs
Pre-Seraling | Auditel data and share of yesterday’s programs
How do they work
But how do TV ratings work? Monitoring of ratings occurs automatically through the people-meter, connected to each television set present in the sample family. Every day, minute by minute, the meters detect the TV ratings of both the family members and any guests present.
#ratings #Wednesday #August #Splash #Ill #give #open #beach #bar