The long faces of the reception anticipated an awkward encounter, but not the tension escalation that has been inside the oval office. President Donald Trump has told the Ukrainian president, Volodimir Zelenski, who had to be “grateful” and has accused him of being playing with World War third. “You are not winning this [la guerra]”Trump told him by raising the tone of voice. “Without us you have no letters,” Zelenski insisted, who has barely let the Ukrainian replicate.
Vice President JV Vance has also intervened in the discussion, which has occurred in the initial match, with television cameras and journalists present. The encounter has been of such caliber that Donald Trump has given the meeting, claiming that the Ukrainian had lacked respect for the US and was not “prepared for peace.” The mineral agreement that Zelenski had gone to Washington has not finally been signed.
Trump and Vance have surrounded Zelenski, raising his voice and recriminating him to dare to bring them the opposite. “You should be grateful to the president,” Vance insisted, to accuse him immediately to bring “propaganda” to the table. The atmosphere has continued to warm up, with Trump interrupting Zelenski. “Your country is [metido] In a big problem, ”he has launched. And he has bite again: “If you had not had our military equipment this war would have ended in three weeks.”
Then Trump has packed: “The problem is that I have given you the power to be a hard guy, and I do not think you were a hard guy without the United States. And your people are very brave. But either we reach an agreement or we are out, and if we get out, you will resolve it with blows. And I don’t think this will be pretty, but [ahora] You don’t have the cards and once firm, you will be in a much better position, ”Trump said after cornering Zelenski, who has barely let replicate.
In the anger conversation, which at times has remembered a bar discussion more than to a diplomatic encounter between heads of government, Zelenski has come to shave Trump not to let him speak, after insisting that the US should not trust Putin. Vice President JD Vance has not helped to calm the spirits, stinging Zelenski with the difficulties Ukraine has to continue recruiting soldiers for the front. The Ukrainian has replicated this to visit the country.
For some moments Trump and Zelenski have been talking at the same time, raising the voice about that of the other, until Trump has practically sent him to shut up. The Ukrainian, who although he speaks well English is not expressed with the ease of a native, arched his eyebrows, denied his head and swallowed saliva. When he had the opportunity to respond alone to the press, he insisted on the lack of confidence that Putin inspires him. “Since 2014 he broke his promises 25 times.” “With me no,” Trump interrupted.
The implosion, broadcast live, makes all the cabals of experts and commentary on the ends of the agreement, the left hand of Zelenski jump through the air to convince Trump or his waist to make some concession, beyond the personal ego. If Ukraine will formally yield some part of the territory annexed by Russia, if you definitely renounce NATO or if you must call choices: everything remains in the air.
Before all the compounds were coming down, the US president, who has not stopped reinforcing Russia’s position since the first bilateral conversations began – without the presence of Kiev – has denied being aligned with Vladimir Putin: “I am not aligned with anyone. I am aligned with the United States and for the sake of the world. I am aligned with the world and I want to end this [la guerra]” The leader received Zelenski with a joke as soon as his counterpart got out of the car that approached him to the door of the presidential building. “You have got elegant,” he said after shaking his hand, referring to the usual military clothing of the Ukrainian.
Despite what happened, Zelenski has thanked the president, congress and the American people for his support: “Ukraine needs a fair and lasting peace, and we are working exactly for it,” has affirmed in x.
Trump insults and threats
In a week, Donald Trump had gone from calling the Ukrainian president, Volodimir Zelenski, to receive him in the White House. 17 days have passed since the US Secretary of the Treasury, Scott Besent, was planted in kyiv with a draft for the agreement on the Rare Lands, a document that after several changes that softened the onerous terms planned for Ukraine, both leaders intended to sign. It will not be so. In these 17 days, Zelenski and Europe have tried that Washington undertakes guarantee the security of Ukraine, but the text did not explain it.
The last time both leaders had seen themselves in person was last December, in the reopening of the Notre-Dame Cathedral of Paris. The meeting was mediated by the French president, Emmanuel Macron, who just began a vertiginous round of political leaders meetings with Trump, which concluded with Zelenski’s visit. The details of that Parisian meeting did not transcend, but the photo that Macron shared in X has aged badly. “The United States, Ukraine and France. Together on this historic day. Gathered in Notre Dame. Let’s continue our joint efforts for peace and security, ”wrote the Frenchman.
With its approach to Russia and a European Union unable to exercise sufficient counterweight, the US has managed to corner a Ukraine that does not even have a place at the negotiating table on the future of war. The interest in Moscow is such that neither Macron nor the British prime minister, Keir Starmer, have been able to convince Trump that he cannot trust the word of his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin. Macron warned him that Putin had already broken the 2014 Peace Agreement for lack of security guarantees, but yesterday the US president told Starmer that he trusted the Russian leader to achieve the end of the war. “I don’t believe it [que Putin viole la paz]this will be the agreement, ”he insisted.
Zelenski had to bury Trump’s pressures – “if he doesn’t act fast, he will run out of a country,” wrote the Republican – and seemed resigned to trusting the will of a man who yesterday became the Swedish yesterday and denied having called “dictator” to the Ukrainian. “We really have a good relationship, although it may have been a bit complicated,” the American cleared.
For kyiv, signing the rare earth agreement was another attempt to recover the favor of the Republican and reconstruct an unequal relationship in which Washington’s support is critical to continue with the war. Trump insisted that the signing of the rare earth agreement, already in itself, would be a “guarantee” for the security of Ukraine.
The signing of the agreement was seen by the Republican as a Win-Win: Achieve key minerals to compete against China in the career for technological development and AI; and get a comfortable position where I was not committed to defending kyiv in case of a new Russian aggression. But, if I wanted to, I had the ideal argument – to show US economic interests – so that Congress approves new military aid packages if the relationship with Putin is cracked.
Now, the issue of rare earth did not erase, even having prospered, a small detail to take into account: the United States would have managed to take advantage of part of the Ukrainian resources, but Beijing remains the main refinement center of these minerals to be able to use them later in the manufacture of semiconductors and chips.
It was expected that the final version of the agreement would happen to the creation of a fund that Ukraine contributes half of the income from “future monetization” of state mineral resources, including oil and gas, as well as the associated logistics. The pact excluded the mineral resources already exploited by the Ukrainian government, so that the current activities of Naftagaz or UKRNAfta, main gas and oil -producing companies in the country, were not affected. All this is now wet paper.
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