He daily stress absorbs us in many tasksof thoughtsof Actions that are chained and that, although it is true that they make us feel productive, effective and helps us to manage time, it also requires regulation to … Do not become something that illuminates us.
Learn to give us the space enough to regulate stress, to rebalance our emotional system, it is important for our physical and mental health.
Small actions such as breathing consciously, feeling body tensions and learning to regulate us will favor that our state of tension can be relaxed more and more easily.
Train to regulate your states of strain It will significantly improve your well -being and change the way you live in the days. That is why I propose a tour of these three guided meditation sessions so that you take from each of them what helps you find a vital state close to the calm you need.
Be renewed inside
Have you stopped to inquire about what you need to release inside you to renew you inside? Generally, we are aware of what situations we want to change, what goals we want to get, but we dedicate little time to release everything that no longer serves us, which weighs us. Without realizing, we accumulate tensions or concerns that have energy, which no longer serve as impulse to growth. And learning to let go, spending time to renew on the inside, is as important as knowing how to adjust external changes.
Guided meditation to learn to renew inside.
Bethlehem Colomina
In guided meditation I invite you to do it. I propose to dedicate a few minutes of care for you, to release and leave free space inside you and be able to fill yourself with what you really want.
Concentrate on achievements
Surely you have come to feel that “everything goes wrong.” A harmful generalization that arises when we stop too long in criticism and in everything that goes wrong. A custom that makes the mind sustained in a negative focus. We stop too much time in error and not so much in the margin of improvement. A mechanism that will not help you cultivate more achievements, but will encourage the growth of a spiral of frustration. This generalization is important to contrast and be able to balance with the achievements that were harvested for you thanks to your qualities and strengths.
Guided meditation to concentrate on achievements.
Bethlehem Colomina
In this guided meditation I invite you to cultivate an appreciative and spacious mind in which to contemplate your qualities and strengths to favor and support the achievement of your personal achievements. Because learning from mistake is as necessary as learning to get the best of you.
Sow welfare in wishes
At certain times of the year the wishes and goals appear but, have you ever raised how your wishes are? Are they aligned to your values or are they imposed by social pressure or expectations of others?
It is important that you allow yourself to dream, but also that you do it with firm roots in what really gives you fullness. Because well -being is cultivated in the process and not only in the goal, I have prepared this guided meditation for you.
Guided meditation to sow welfare in desires.
Bethlehem Colomina
A 7 -minute meditation so that your desires and aspirations can be built from your values and sow the well -being you need.
Hopefully they are useful to you.
We can meet every Sunday in ABC well -being (I put here the list of guided meditations). You can also know more about my work around the benefits of meditation in the book ‘The healing power of silence’ (Grijalbo) and on the Instagram account: @belencolomina.
#guided #meditations #reduce #tensions #fatigue