ABC Podcast
We are in the story
Miguel Ángel Santamarina, author of the essay ‘The war that changed the world’, analyzes in the ABC podcast the failures committed by the ‘Führer’
There was luck. That third Reich that threatened to last a thousand years extended just a dozen springs. On May 2, 1945, the city of Berlin fell to the sponator of the Army of the Soviet Union and, less than a week later, on the 7th, the last remnants of the Nazi army capitulated before the allies.
The person in charge of signing the final surrender was a major general. Alfred Jodl, with handfuls and handfuls of decorations under his credit. It was he who paid an account that the deceased had swell Adolf Hitler; The same one that, in 1939, frightened the West with his panzer.
What led to the war power that had shuddered Europe to a defeat without palliative? How did the swastika regime fell? Today, we analyzed the errors that led the ‘Führer’ to the disaster of the History specialized journalist Miguel Ángel Santamarinaauthor of the essay ‘The war that changed the world’. Some, at least, because the list does not seem to be.
Screenplay and phrase: Manuel P. Villatoro and María Romero
Production: Manuel P. Villatoro
Edition: María Romero
SOUND ASSISTANT: Íñigo Martín Ciordia
Collaboration: Miguel Ángel Santamarina
All episodes of ‘We are in history’ can be found on the main audio platforms, such as Spotify, Ivoox, Apple PodcastsAmazon Music and Podimo. They are also available in YouTube. The next episode, within 15 days.
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