In Spain there are great opportunities for those who know how to take advantage of them. In this case, it is necessary to highlight a small town looking for new neighbors, offering a lot of employment and housing for rent from only 250 euros per month. This is a great opportunity to enjoy a region like Castile and Leónrich in its heritage, nature, history and gastronomy.
It is about Lastras de Cuéllar (Segovia)where a campaign has been started to try to combat depopulation and attract new businesses and inhabitants. It does so through a project promoted by IKEA, Redeia and AlmaNatura called “Holapueblo”, which tries to address the abandonment suffered by rural Spain.
In its fifth edition, this project once again tries to connect people who want to start a business and live in a rural environment, thus contributing to generating economic and social activity in these places.
Lastras de Cuéllar is a beautiful municipality in the north of the province of Segovia, halfway to its main economic centers, where the well-known Lastras Lagoons made up of three large bodies of water, the Church of Santa María Magdalena (13th-14th century) and its Hermitage of the Virgin of Salcedónwithout forgetting the old chimney of the resin factory.
The main economic activity in the municipality was based on cattle and pig farming, as well as dryland and irrigated agriculture. Likewise, in recent years the pine resin extraction.
Affordable housing and entrepreneurship opportunities
In Cuéllar Lastras Access to affordable housing is offered, and you can find both options for sale and rent, with prices that are between 250 and 300 euros per month. In addition, the town has municipal housing subject to availability and compliance with the town council’s requirements.
The Lastras Vive Rural Association accompanies families interested in settling in the municipality, offering information on entrepreneurship subsidies, housing information and support to get to know the municipality. Furthermore, there are two private premises available for rentland available for new construction and coworking rooms. A bar and a butcher shop, currently closed, are also for rent.
The entrepreneurship options What this municipality offers are very diverse, since it is necessary to undertake in sectors such as livestock and agriculture, but also in restoration, construction, rural tourism and basic services.
They can also be found opportunity areas to start a business in a mechanical workshop or setting up a restaurant, since there is currently none in the municipality. Likewise, other locations such as butcher shops or cheese businesses would be well received by its neighbors, which would allow the municipality’s livestock tradition to be maintained. A bakery or pastry shop would be another option to consider.
On the other hand, there is room for livestock and organic farming companies, as well as post-retirement care services, energy generation, e-commerce and active tourism companies that can offer services throughout the region. Likewise, businesses in the secondary sector are sought to carry out energizing activities for groups such as women and the elderly.
Finally, Builders, plumbers, bricklayers and electricians are neededboth in the town itself and in those around it. In this way, we find many interesting options to work and undertake in this small Segovian municipality, where they hoped to receive new inhabitants.
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