With the passage of time the body weakens, that is inevitable. The typical symptoms of aging appear. After the age of 50 and with the arrival of menopause, muscle mass is lost, bones become more sensitive, increasing the risk of fractures, and also the skin weakens, leading to wrinkles. In this sense, diet plays a very important role in alleviating the symptoms of aging.
Isabel Preysler knows this very well, This has been shown in a Disney+ documentary. The ‘celebritie’ has confessed what is the first thing she eats when the day starts. Now that Christmas is approaching and we can neglect our diet a little, it is important to remember the power of certain foods not only to take care of yourself on a physical level, but also on an internal level, such as the prevention of common diseases after a certain age.
What does Isabel Preysler drink in the morning?
In the documentary mentioned above, Enrique Iglesias’ mother revealed what her Favorite foods to start the day with energy and maintain an impeccable face at 73 years old.
This is how he expressed it to the public: “for breakfast I have hot water with lime and some vitamins. Then I drink grapefruit juice, a kiwi and grapefruit (the fruit). Then I take flax seeds, which look like bird food. Many times after breakfast I drink Jamaican water.”
Fruit, fluid, vitamins and antioxidants seem to be the secret to combating the signs of aging. In addition, it is a breakfast with few calories and nutrients, ideal if you are looking to lose weight.
What are the benefits of drinking water with lime?

Lime water has become very popular on social networks, due to its great health benefits for women. Because? Well, lime water contains high levels of vitamin C, flavonoid content and acidity, so drinking lemon water can have several health benefits. This has been stated by scientific experts. Medical News Today, reviewed by nutritionist Atli Arnarson.
Lemons contain vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant, and are a source of plant compounds called flavonoids, which “have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects“, they add. Antioxidants eliminate free radicals, which are harmful and disease-causing compounds in the body created by oxidative stress.
As they mention, there is research that links chronic inflammation with greater oxidative stress and the risk of certain medical conditions, such as arthritis, diabetes, autoimmune conditions and cancer.
Likewise, a 2019 study stated that antioxidants and flavonoids can improve heart health and markers of metabolic healthincluding glucose tolerance, insulin sensitivity and fat metabolism. This is very important for women with menopause, as they are more likely to suffer from heart disease.
Effects of kiwi and grapefruit on the body

One of the most notable characteristics of the kiwi is its low glycemic index. From Top Doctors they explain that this is especially important for people who want control your blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of insulin resistance, a key factor in the development of heart disease and type 2 diabetes.
By keeping insulin levels stable, kiwi can help prevent glucose spikes which, in the long run, can contribute to metabolic and cardiovascular problems. In addition, kiwi is a source of vitamins, especially vitamin C, vitamin E and vitamin K, which help combat oxidative stress and inflammation.
On the other hand, grapefruit is a citrus fruit that helps to lose weight, although “it is not a magic solution to lose weight,” says Dr. Connie Diekman, former president of the American Dietetic Association (ADA).
Furthermore, according to various investigations, grapefruit It is good against diabetes and cancer treatments. In fact, grapefruit juice (237 milliliters) allows patients to reduce the dose of rapamycin, also used in transplant recipients, and obtain the same benefits.
What are the advantages of consuming flax seeds?
Apparently, flax seeds are not the most appetizing thing in the world, but don’t worry, because as soon as you know everything they can do for you, you will stop being disgusted by them. Today it has been shown that flax seeds can help combat or avoid some conditions, This is what the Mayo Clinic has said.
One of them is the heart disease and “alpha linolenic acid, which is present in both flax seeds and their oil, could benefit people with heart disease.” Other research also suggests that they could help lower high blood pressurewhich influences the appearance of heart disease.
Likewise, the consumption of flax seeds can reduce cholesterol levels total and low-density lipoprotein (LDL, or “bad”) cholesterol. Although it is true that the studies were less favorable. However, it plays a great role if we talk about people with diabetes, since this ingredient could reduce the blood sugar level in people with type 2 diabetes.
Likewise, flax seeds are the perfect remedy for alleviate the symptoms of menopause: hot flashes, insomnia, weight gain… Likewise, there are more ingredients that help reduce symptoms, such as soy products, among others.
What are the benefits of drinking hibiscus water?
This is the last ingredient in Isabel Preysler’s breakfast: Jamaican water. We are talking about a refreshing drink ideal to combat the heat. Its flavor is a little acidic and very aromatic. Regarding the advantages it offers, can help control anemia, because? It is due to its contribution of iron and vitamin C.
On the other hand, We are talking about a natural diureticits consumption helps eliminate toxins and prevents fluid retention. Jamaican water increases the number of the body’s defenses, its variety of natural compounds and antioxidant properties contribute to strengthen the immune system.
They can even help prevent kidney diseases and improve kidney function. In addition, Jamiaca water contains compounds called anthocyanins, which help reduce blood pressurewhich means considerably lowering the chances of having heart problems.
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