For several decades it has been known that sleep badly is closely linked with significantly more likely to experience the next day atrial fibrillation (FA), that is, several irregular heartbeats that can cause blood clots, heart failure, stroke…
Currently, new research confirms what was already known but has also quantified the probability of its occurrence. In fact, it has been revealed that an irregular sleep-wake cycle is associated with an increased risk of events major cardiovascularsuch as heart attack and stroke.
Yes, even for those who sleep the recommended nightly hours. Or at least that is the conclusion reached by researchers at the Pediatrics Department and Research Institute at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario, which belongs to the University of Ottawa in Canada.
Step by step
To explore this more intensively, the experts turned to 77,269 people between 40 and 79 years old who participated in the study. UK Biobank and none of whom had a history of cardiovascular events important. Among other things, they used an activity tracker for seven days to record your dreamwhose data were used to calculate each person’s entire SRI score.
With it, People with an SRI score greater than 87 were considered to have a regular sleep patternwhile those with an SRI score less than 72 were classified as irregular sleepers. And those whose points fell between this range were considered moderate sleepers. irregular.
More details
After taking into account a wide range of potentially influential factors (age, time, fruit consumption, etc.), people with irregular sleep had a 26% more likely to have a major cardiovascular event than those with a regular sleep-wake cycle.
Meanwhile, people with moderately irregular sleep had a 8% more likely to do so. “All of our results suggest that sleep regularity may be more relevant that sufficient sleep duration in modulating the risk of MACE (major adverse cardiovascular event)”, the specialists have highlighted.
The recommended amount of sleep at nightit should be noted, is 7 to 9 hours for people between 18 and 65 years old and 7 to 8 hours for people 65 years and older.
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