Last year, plastic bottles experienced a very noticeable change for consumers, since all the caps were attached to the opening of the bottle, without the possibility of removing them, a measure that is included in European regulations in favor of the environment. . Now, From 2025, another standard included in the same directive comes into force of the European Union.
Specifically, this change is reflected in the Directive (EU) 2019/904 of the European Parliament and of the Council of June 5, 2029, regarding the reduction of the impact of certain plastic products on the environment. Article 6 of this standard states that “Member States shall ensure that single-use plastic products with plastic lids and plugs may only be placed on the market whether lids and plugs remain attached to the container during the intended use phase of said product”.
The change from 2025
Apart from this requirement that all plastic bottles on the market must already meet, the standard includes another requirement that applies from 2025, toalthough some brands have already been introducing it in previous years.
This new change is included in the same sixth article, in section five, where it is indicated that “from 2025, beverage bottles whose main manufacturing component is polyethylene terephthalate (“PET bottles”)”, must contain “at least 25% recycled plasticcalculated as an average of all PET bottles placed on the market within its territory”.
This measure affects not so much consumers, but rather to the manufacturers of plastic bottles, which must take this consideration into account. Likewise, this measure is introduced for the protection of the environment.
In addition, you should know that this last measure is expanded even further: from 2030beverage bottles must contain “at least 30% recycled plasticcalculated as an average of all those beverage bottles placed on the market within its territory.
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