The Civil Guard of the Region of Murcia has rescued 11 dog puppies that were going to be abandoned in the Barranco de Galán-La Macetúa area in the town of Cieza. The owner of the animals has been investigated for an alleged crime against animals for animal abandonment.
The action began when a patrol of the Cieza Civil Guard, while carrying out citizen security prevention tasks in the Barranco de Galán-La Macetúa area of the Cieza municipality, observed how a person deposited a bag. The agents, faced with these events, approached the place and verified that the bag contained 11 young dog puppies, which were going to be abandoned.
In this way, the civil guards rescued the animals that, after being examined by a veterinarian from the town of Cieza and verifying that they were in good condition, were transferred to a shelter in the same town, which has taken charge of their care.
The police action culminated in the investigation of a person as the alleged perpetrator of a crime against animals due to animal abandonment. The person investigated and the proceedings carried out were made available to the court of first instance and investigation number 2 of Cieza.
Campaign against animal abandonment and abuse
With the main objective of raising awareness among citizens so that they promote the necessary measures in the protection, management and well-being of domestic animals, as well as to report those behaviors contrary to animal well-being of which they are aware, the Civil Guard, began in July of 2017, the #YoSiPeroContalo# campaign.
The Civil Guard has been detecting an increase in citizen awareness, not only through formal complaints, but also among social media users, as demonstrated by the fact that one of the topics that generates the most interaction among its Twitter followers and Facebook is the request for citizen collaboration to clarify crimes of abuse towards animals.
The second objective of this campaign is to raise awareness among the population that having an animal is a great responsibility and that animal abuse is punishable in the current Penal Code.
Likewise, if you know of any abuse or abandonment of animals, you can report it by calling 062, emailing or on our social media profiles.
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