The London Metropolitan Police on Tuesday has begun an investigation after discovering the body of a newborn baby outside a church located west of the British capital. As the police reported in a statement, the authorities are trying to locate “urgent” the mother of the neonate, of which sex and its exact age are still unknown.
The police moved shortly after noon on Tuesday until London neighborhood of Notting Hill After receiving a warning that the body of a baby had been found in a bag that was deposited outside a church. The London ambulance service also moved to the scene and certified the death of the newborn on the spot.
The police superintendent, Owen Renowden, has described the case as “extremely sad and shocking” and has indicated that the investigations are in their initial stage, where the immediate priority is to find the parent, which I could have given birth “very recently”.
“If you are the baby’s mother and you are reading this, please go to the police or medical professionals. It must be very scared, but allow us to help you. We are very concerned about you and it is vital that you receive assistance and medical support, “adds the police note.
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