British and Egyptian archaeologists have discovered the tomb of the pharaoh Tutmosis IIthe last lost grave of the kings of the XVIII dynasty, according to the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities of Egypt. It is the first royal cemetery found since the discovery of the tomb ofTUTANKAMÓN In 1922, Minister Sherif Fathy valued.
The finding of the Joint Mission of the New Kingdom Research Foundation (NKRF) and the Supreme Council of Antiques and was carried out by deepening the investigations of the Tomb C4, whose entry and main hallway were found in 2022 in the Wadi Gabbanat the -Qurud, about 2.4 kilometers west of the Valley of the Kings. The researchers have discovered evidence “that indicate Clararamant that belongs to the pharaoh Tutmosis II,” says the statement of the Egyptian authorities.
Mohamed Ismail Khaled, general secretary of the Supreme Antiques Council, explained that when the mission found the entrance of the grave and its main hallway in October 2022, he thought that it may be the tomb of the wife of a tutmoside king, given his proximity to the tomb of the wives of Tutmosis III and also that of Queen Hatshepsut, which he built as a real wife before become the fifth ruler of the XVIII dynasty and to be subsequently buried in the Valley of the Kings.
However, in the excavations of this season in the hypogeo, the expedition discovered new archaeological tests that identify the owner of the tomb: the pharaoh Tutmosis II, the fourth monarch of the XVIII dynasty that is believed to be reigned from 1517 to 1513 a. C. and died before turning 40. The remains of alabaster utensils found retain inscriptions with the name of Tutmosis II as the “deceased king”, together with that of his royal royal wife Hatshepsut.
The general secretary of the archaeological Supreme Council described this finding as “one of the most important archaeological discoveries of recent years.”

According to Mohamed Abdel-Badii, head of the Egyptian archaeological sector of the Supreme Archeology Council and head of the mission from the Egyptian side, the floods suffered after the death of the pharaoh flooded the gravewhich is in poor condition. Preliminary studies suggest that, due to these floods, the essential content of the burial was relocated in another place of the ancient Egyptians.
Fragments of tiles represent blue engravings and yellow stars of the sky, as well as reasons and paragraphs of the book ‘Amy Dawat’, one of the most important religious writings dedicated to the tombs of the kings of ancient Egypt.
Piers Laserlandresearcher at the University of Cambridge and director of the archaeological mission, explained that the tomb has a Simple architectural designwhich includes a passage with a white plaster floor that leads to the funeral chamber. The main passage floor level rises to about 1.4 meters above that of the camera itself. It is believed that it was used to transport the essential contents of the cemetery, including the body of the deceased, after being submerged by the waters.
The mission will continue the archaeological work that has been carrying out in the place for two years, in order to reveal more secrets in this area and the place where the rest of the tomb of Tutmosis II moved. His mummy was found alongside other real mummies in the so-called real hiding place of Deir El-Bahari and is exhibited in the National Museum of Egyptian civilization.
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