One of the most common customs among a large number of people is cross the legs when sitting almost automatically. However, it is a practice that has more serious health consequences of what is thought, So it is important to take some precautions before carrying it out, even more so if it is done for long periods of time, as stated Ça m’intéresse.
One of the main consequences is the increased blood pressure, Since it is a posture that oppresses veins and arteries, which makes it difficult for the correct blood circulation to the heart. Although in a timely manner it does not imply a serious risk, when it develops prolonged over time it can become dangerous, for example, giving rise to a Greater risk of thrombosis.
Secondly, sitting with your legs is a “unnatural” posture, causing a torsion of the pelvis and a slight curvature of the back. The main consequence of this is that over time there is a low back and neck. Besides, in case there are imbalances such as scoliosis or bad posture can be aggravated Over time.
Effects on the nervous system
This type of posture compress some nerves, giving rise to tingling sensations, punctures or numbness of the lower extremities. Although, these are temporal effects, when they last over time they can lead to more serious problems. For this reason, those people with nerve background are unemployed especially, since it can lead to sciatic pain. In any case, it is best to vary the position every little time while we are sitting.
On the other hand, it is a possess that can affect the quality of sperm, By increasing the temperature of the testicles. Although, the anatomical differences of men and women causes the latter to have a greater ease to sit in this way, having a greater amplitude of hip movement.
Any benefit?
Some investigations suggest that sitting with the cross legs can also have some positive effects, such as helping the alignment of the pelvis and It helps to relax the central muscles and avoid overwriting. In any case, experts recommend not sitting in the same position for a long time, as well as Avoid a sedentary lifestyle.
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