Gradually artificial intelligence takes more weight and influence in our day to day. We see it that more and more apps include this technology among its services, in the same way that we ourselves go to it for more and more tasks or actions.
Chatbots such as Chatgpt, Gemini or Copilot are undoubtedly the most popular, and for general uses, such as generating text, consulting or creating images are a very useful and effective tool for users. However, we have to know that there are many others that are specific for certain tasks and being so, they are much better and more effective than these generals.
Today we can find AI apps for practically everything, and these are not US and Chinese projects, but in Spain we also have many good and very interesting projects, and as they have collected from Growthhackingcourse, today we tell you five options “Made” In Spain “that can be very useful in your day to day,
The five Spanish Chatgpt
The AI can help us for many things, therefore we can find platforms that serve us for all kinds of procedures and actions, with the addition that They are designed to adapt to our laws, culture and needs. Among all those who exist, we will highlight the following five:
For various reasons, the Mercadona is one of the most popular supermarkets among the Spaniards, and millions of customers make the purchase there. This has been trained with all the products of Mercadona and therefore Know the prices and all the nutritional information of these, And all this serves to help you prepare the weekly menu with details, nutritional data and pricequickly and simplely.
Fiscal and tax issues not only fear, but are enough complex and difficult to understandbut with this AI that has been trained with the bases and guidelines of the Spanish Tax Agency, you can Ask for any questions or consultation in real time To explain it to you in a way that you can understand.
In a similar way to what happens with the Treasury, all aspects to cover and have controlled on a company can make us doubt, so the AI of Companies is presented as the definitive solution for any C any COnsultation related to the fiscal, labor, accounting and legal aspects of companies in Spain.
If you are or want to be a creator of content, you should know that to succeed you must captivate and get the attention of the users, for this you need that These contents have hook, and this helps you get it For your short videos of Tiktok, Instagram or YouTube.
There are times that we know we are against something or we doubt our opinion about it, the app and the devil’s lawyer Refutes arguments with ingenuity, humor and critical logic, always offering an opposite perspective.
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