There's Posta for you, the story of Maria and Tommaso, two parents who hadn't seen their son for 9 long years and who never even met their granddaughter. What happened
There's Mail for you, the story of Maria and Tommaso, the two parents who haven't seen their son for 9 long years: the couple's decision
In the episode of You've Got Mailwhich aired on the evening of Saturday 2 March, Maria De Filippi told the story of Mary and Thomas, two parents who hadn't spoken to their son for 9 long years. They never even had the chance to meet their 9-year-old granddaughter.
The two gentlemen said that the situation becomes complicated for them when their son Augustine he starts dating Debora. A girl that his mother never liked, even because she was 5 years older than him. In 2007 the two boys decide to to get married and the man worked in the pastry shop owned by the family.
In the years in which they were engaged, there had been many misunderstandings, but after the wedding, when the young couple discovered that they were waiting for a Daughter, decide to also involve Maria and Tommaso. Everything was going well for them. When suddenly, a few days after giving birth, Debora loses his mother. Since her two families didn't speak to each other, Agostino's parents didn't show up at his house funeral.
This gesture of theirs led to a new rift between parents and son. In fact, 8 days later, when the little girl is born, Agostino tells her mother that she won't be able to see her, even if Maria chooses to go to Rome anyway. hospital. The two grandparents finally manage to see the little girl only when she returns home, but her son says they won't have the chance to baptize her and from here their relationships are interrupted.
The story of Maria and Tommaso at C'è Posta per te, the son's decision
Since that day 9 years have passed and the two gentlemen haven't even had the chance to frequent the child. There are some misunderstandings between the story of the two gentlemen and that of their son. That's because they say they never have it fired from the pastry shop they own, while he says he received the dismissal letter.
In the end, Maria De Filippi makes them both understand that they love him, otherwise they would never have gone there. Thomas said to his son: “Now let's just accept each other. We made a mistake, but there will be time to fix it.”
Despite their initial hesitations, Agostino and Debora ultimately decide to open the envelope and to give the family a new opportunity.