Maria De Filippi in one of the stories told during the last episode of You've Got Mailthere is that of Ivan. For 8 years the man carried on a parallel relationship with Emanuela, without saying anything to his wife. That's why when she found out, the woman decided to leave him.
The man never said anything to either woman for months. He actually told his new partner that he intended to leave his wife very quietly and that every two weeks he had to return home to collect his parents clothes.
Ivano and Emanuela both had two different relationships with children. However, when they fall in love, they decide to start a history and also a coexistence. She leaves home immediately, but he doesn't. He always tried to take his time. One night Emanuela shows up at the woman's house and asks her if she ever received the papers separation.

The latter says no and that she no longer knew anything. In the end Ivano convinces himself to say it truthbut after a short time, the woman follows the man as he leaves work and discovers that he has gone to the woman's house ex wife, to give her a case of water and some medicines. She doesn't believe in cheating, but she accuses him of having them lied.
Ivano's justification to Emanuela and how the story ended
The man, speaking in front of everyone, explained the reason for this gesture and he said: “All the years we were together I practically did everything, from shopping to withdrawing money from the ATM!” However, when Maria De Filippi asked him what he would do today if his ex-wife were to ask him something, he said that now he would say the truth to Emanuela.
At first the woman showed herself wary towards man. She said that she no longer had faith in him and that she didn't know what to do.

However, he ultimately chose to forgive him and to get back together with him. Ivano was obviously happy about it and this meant that the couple left the show together.
The article You've Got Mail, for years Ivano doesn't tell his wife that he was having another affair, he says to his partner: “He doesn't know how to use an ATM!” comes from Bigodino.
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