The teacher at the Elisa and Luis Villamil de Vegadeo Secondary Education Institute, who yesterday Monday was suspended from employment and salary after being accused by several students of having inappropriate behavior, had already been investigated by the Educational Inspection dependent on the Government of the Principality last 2019.
The events occurred at the Carlos Bousoño Public School in Boal (Asturias) where he was teaching at that time. A group of fathers and mothers complained to the center’s management, concerned about the behavior that the teacher had with Primary students, whom, as confirmed to Asturias by the aunt of one of the minors affected at that time, He punished them using a wooden ruler to correct their behavior or invited them “to play doctors.”
At that time, after meeting with the parents and teacher, the Inspection closed the case considering that each teacher has their own teaching methods. As a consequence of this, part of the students decided to abandon the Fala class and replace it with the Asturian Culture class, taught by someone else.
Five years after what happened in Boal, this teacher is once again in the spotlight and receiving complaints from his students for the behavior he has with girls, as confirmed by the testimonies of fourteen 3rd year ESO students who last month of October were placed on the table of the director of the Institute, promoting the beginning of the process that ended in the Educational Inspection Service of the Principality and in the precautionary suspension of the teacher, according to the conclusions transferred by the Inspection to the General Directorate of Teaching Personnel, conclusions that are not public, since the Ministry has preferred to preserve, at least, while the administrative process continues.
Ana Rubio Fernández, social worker and specialist in Women and Gender, is the “mother” of one of the minors who took charge of the situation, once the alleged behavior of this teacher was known.
According to the story, it was at the beginning of September when two 3rd year ESO students went to the Institute management to report behavior that they did not consider “appropriate” on the part of their ‘fala’ teacher. The center, as he explains, did not give importance to what the minors said, since there was no evidence to demonstrate this type of behavior.
A month later, and accompanied by a classmate, Ana’s “daughter”, who is in 2nd year of Baccalaureate, they returned to the office with the same complaint, but in this case, supported by the testimony of fourteen other 3rd year ESO students. from the Elisa and Luis Vilamil Institute, corroborating the facts that had been initially reported by the first two students.
It was from that moment on that the management of the institute informed the Ministry of Education of what was happening and it was transferred to the Educational Inspection, from where on December 16 they contacted Ana’s daughter, to confirm the facts reported in October.
From Asturias we have contacted the management of the center from where they have declined to make statements because it is “a procedure that is still open, which is being managed by higher bodies.”
From the Western Forum Association against Violence against Women, Ana Rubio and her colleagues are trying to organize a meeting to inform the mothers and fathers of the students, and also the residents of the town of Vegadeo, about what is happening, to inform them of what is happening. what is happening and also sensitize the population to this type of situations, due to inaction, says Rubio, both from the center itself and from the AMPA. They will also try to file a complaint to open judicial proceedings.
Ana Rubio regrets the attitude of the institute’s management and also of a part of the school community for “the pressure to which they are subjecting the children who told what was happening with this teacher.”
The Ministry of Education, from where yesterday Monday the precautionary suspension of employment and salary of this teacher was reported, today, Tuesday, they did not want to comment on the matter.
For its part, the Prosecutor’s Office of the Principality of Asturias has received a written communication of the facts from the Ministry which, for reasons of jurisdiction, has transferred it to the Territorial Section of Avilés for the initiation of the corresponding investigation proceedings, with the in order to determine whether or not there are indications of a crime.
#Vegadeo #professor #provisionally #removed #teaching #investigated #degrading #treatment