The Chief of Service of Angiology and Vascular Surgery of the Ruber International Hospital, Pablo Gallo, has assured that it is vital to perform proper monitoring of the varicose veins during pregnancy, as well as adopt preventive measures.
“Pregnancy favors the appearance of varicose veins, which can lead to thrombophlebitis episodes or even in deep vein thrombosis If the patient has any hematological alteration or pelvic venous compression, “explained the specialist.
Therefore, the specialist indicates that varicose veins are a common venous condition in pregnant women, so he considers fundamental diagnose them on time and adopt appropriate measures To avoid complications. “Varices in pregnancy can appear both in the pelvis and in the legs, and their correct handling is key to guaranteeing the welfare of the mother and preventing unnecessary risks,” he added.
According to the specialist, varicose veins during pregnancy can originate from various factors, such as genetic: “If the woman has a family history of venous insufficiency, it is more likely to develop varicose veins during pregnancy“
They can also be given by a hormonal factor: “Estrogens and progesterone increase can weaken the venous wall and favor the appearance of varicose veins.” And, finally, by a mechanical factor, since “as the fetus grows, weight gain in the third quarter exerts pressure on pelvic veins, which can cause venous dilation.”
Varices in pregnancy are more common in women who have had more than one pregnancy. However, family history and lifestyle also influence. “Generally, the varicose veins appear from the second quarter and tend to get worse as gestation progresses,” said Gallo.
In addition, they can be associated with venous compressions in the pelvis, such as May Thurner syndrome or Nutcracker syndrome. “Although the legs are the most affected region, pelvic varicose veins can also manifest in the genital area, even reaching the thighs“, says Gallo, who adds that, in some cases, these varicose veins disappear or decrease after childbirth.
Symptoms may include pain, heaviness in the legs, edema and annoying sensations such as punctures or tingling. “It is essential to go to the specialist if the patient has intense pain, asymmetric inflammation or redness in one leg, since it could be a deep vein thrombosis,” warns the vascular surgeon.
How to avoid complications
While varicose veins cannot be completely prevented, it is possible to reduce their impact. Dr. Gallo recommends following a series of healthy habits, including: maintaining a balanced diet; practice physical exercise daily; Avoid spending a long time standing or sitting; Wear comfortable clothes and avoid footwear with high or completely flat heels; avoid prolonged exposures to the sun or heat sources; Raise your legs about 15 cm when resting, and use compression stockings to improve circulation.
“The treatment will depend on the degree of venous insufficiency“, highlights the optional. During pregnancy, it is recommended to opt for conservative measures, such as exercises to improve the circulation and use of compression means,” said the expert.
After delivery, a new assessment must be carried out to determine the need for additional treatments. “If the saphenous vein is affected, you can resort to endovascular treatments, which are minimally invasive techniques with excellent recovery and without the need for surgical wounds,” says the specialist.
In the case of pelvic varicose veins, there are also endovascular procedures that allow the diagnosis to be confirmed and effective treatment by embolization. “This procedure consists in occluding sick pelvic veins through a small intervention carried out from the arm, which minimizes risks and facilitates rapid recovery,” Gallo concludes.
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