Currently, Cancer is one of the diseases that scares people the most.. Normal, of course. And according to the Spanish Network of Cancer Registries (REDECAN), in 2023 it is estimated that a total of 279,260 cancer cases.
An increase that is due, especially, to the fact that today the diagnosis is much larger than other yearsand it is becoming increasingly more effective in detecting whether the person is sick or not. Given this scenario, many people have worried about certain aspects of our daily lives that can lead us to have cancer.
Among them, it is worth highlighting food. Hence Nichole Andrewsdietitian oncologist, has made a publication on her Instagram account where she has revealed what the two only foods that increase the risk of cancer.
As a curiosity, the expert – who has more than 300,000 followers on this social network – has explained that both are very most consumed by the public during weekends and? Everything others say about other foods is not entirely true. which can also promote the appearance of this disease.
In detail
First of all, there is the alcohol. Apparently, “it can increase the risk of cancer in many ways,” according to information provided by the National Cancer Institute. The decomposition of alcohol in the body it produces acetaldehyde“a toxin that is a probable cause of cancer in people.”
In second place, ultra-processed meat, which presents a series of negative effects. “The first, the nitrateswhich are added to processed meats. The second, the smoked meats contain polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, which are considered carcinogenic,” said the content creator.
But this is not all, since he continues with his argument in a forceful way: “Third, processed meats are cooked at high temperatures. And fourth, the presentation of heme ironfound in red meat.” It leaves no room for doubt.
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