The potato tortilla It is one of the greatest delicacies of gastronomy in Spain. Everyone agrees that few things are better than enjoying an tortilla skewer, accompanied by a soda on a terrace to the sun. However, although it is also one of The favorite dishes of people for family gatherings or that little whim before which many fall rendered at dinner time, they are not exempt from debate. The controversy, by The traditional recipeamong those who prefer it without onion who they like with it, it is still as alive as ever.
Regardless of when and how commas, it is a pleasure as few and, it is not surprising that he even has a day with his name. On March 9, the World Potato Tortilla Day To commemorate this incomparable creation with years and years of history.
On the day of the potato tortilla, we have recovered the eternal discussion around this dish, taking advantage of Chatgpt. Given that AI has made great advances in medicine, it has been able to tell us what is the ideal office look or has recreated how the autonomous communities would be if they were people, we could not stop asking their opinion about the potato tortilla.
Chatgpt’s opinion about potato tortilla

“The potato tortilla It is a traditional dish of Spanish cuisine and may or may not wear onion, depending on the recipe or preference of the chef. There are some versions of the tortilla that carry chopped onion and others that do not, “he explains Chatgpt On this succulent dish.
When asking the AI whether the potato tortilla should or may not carry onion, your answer is clear. “In general, The potato tortilla with onion It is the most common variant in Spain and is considered the traditional recipe, but there are also those who prefer to do it without onion. In any case, The potato tortilla It is a delicious option to enjoy at any time of the day, “says artificial intelligence in this regard.
Why is the potato tortilla with onion?

“There are several theories about why onion is included in the potato tortilla, but the most accepted is that it is used as Ingredient to provide flavor and texture to the recipe. The onion is cooked along with the potatoes and the result is an omelet with a more intense flavor and a more juicy texture. In addition, onion is a very common ingredient in Spanish cuisine and is used in many other recipes, so it is likely to be incorporated into The potato tortilla Simply because it is an ingredient that was at hand. ”
“It is important to emphasize that the potato tortilla is A very versatile recipe and that variations can be made without onion. In some places in Spain, such as in Catalonia, a variant of the omelette without onion is made, called ‘Tortilla Paisana’, which includes other ingredients such as red and green pepper, “adds chatgpt as a curiosity.
Potato tortilla, according to chatgpt
Technical file
Time40 minutes
Potato tortilla, according to chatgpt
4-5 medium potatoes
1 large onion
6 eggs
Olive oil
Peel the potatoes and cut them into fine slices. Peel and cut the onion into Julian.
Heat a large pan with olive oil over medium-high heat.
Add the potatoes and onion to the pan and season with salt. Remove from time to time not to stick. Cook for about 15-20 minutes until potatoes are tender but not golden.
Beat the eggs in a large bowl and add the cooked potatoes and onion. Mix well.
Heat another pan with a little oil over medium-low heat. Add the mixture of eggs and potatoes and cook for about 8-10 minutes until the lower part of the tortilla is golden and the upper part begins to curdle.
Turn the tortilla to cook the other side. This can be a bit complicated, but it can be done by sliding the tortilla to a large dish and turning it so that the golden part is up. Then, slide the tortilla again in the pan to finish cooking on the other side.
Cook for another 5-7 minutes until it is completely cooked inside. The tortilla must be golden and firm on the outside, but juicy inside.
Serve hot or cold, cut into portions as if it were a pizza.
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