The Supreme Court has assaulted a overwhelming varapalo to the pseudo extreme right -right union hands clean for a complaint against Pedro Sánchez, his wife and part of the government by contributing only “cuts or press links” about the case against Begoña Gómez, against the Attorney General or the Koldo case. The judges inadmit the complaint when he understands that he incurs in “manifest law fraud” and explains that the criminal hall does not open investigations based on newspaper clippings: “Nor does it concern us to dive into the news to find out what section or what concrete conduct is reproachable to the concrete sensitivity of the complainant.”
The organization of the ultra -rightist Miguel Bernad has been erected at the spearhead of the judicial offensive that, for the moment, has resulted in openings of criminal cases against the wife and brother of the president of the Government, in addition to having personed in other causes such as the proceedings against the Attorney General together with other associations of the same Ultra Court. In this case, Clean Manos went to the Supreme Court last October with a complaint and several extensions denouncing for seven crimes to an alleged criminal organization with Pedro Sánchez in his “political epicenter”.
The complaint presented the habitual Macedonia of press clippings wielded by clean hands in the last decade: news of El Mundo and the Confidential on the rescue of Air Europa, of ABC and Vozopópuli on the Venezuelan vice president of the Cy Rodríguez, of El País and the avant -garde about the purchase of sanitary material in the pandemic and different allegations on the Kold The role of the attorney general to affirm, in summary, that there is a plot “deeply rooted in the political and economic power of Spain.”
The Criminal Chamber has been inadmiting this type of complaints and complaints of organizations such as clean hands, but in recent weeks it has taken another step and has gone to reproach these organizations that use the Supreme Court as a “Guard Court of any media issue” to prosecute chopped. In this new car, to which has had access, he reproaches his most common practice at clean hands: go to the courts with press news to promote the opening of judicial cases.
The magistrates express themselves bluntly: “The mere remission of cuts or press links, nor integrate a complaint, or with the general character provided, constitute sufficient qualified indications to open proceedings.” Nor does the judges incumbent, they add, “diving within the news to find out what section or what concrete conduct is reproachable to the concrete sensitivity of the complainant, beyond the legitimate discrepancies you maintain.”
They also reproach clean hands, as they have already done in other recent cars, which tries to pass over the criteria of judges who already investigate cases such as Koldo so that everything is organized in Macrocousa format against Sánchez in the Supreme. The complaint is inadmant no longer due to lack of indications but for being immersed in “law fraud.”
It is a judicial amendment to the method that has used clean hands for years to complain against politicians or leftist personalities, using press clippings to promote the opening of judicial procedures. A strategy that has recently been successful with Begoña Gómez, wife of the President of the Government, and David Sánchez, brother of the same, although he has failed in dozens of occasions in recent years.
Supreme sources indicate for days to that in the criminal hall the discomfort for the amount of unfounded complaints that are forced to process and reject against ministers, deputies, senators but also judges and prosecutors, in much less than in previous stages. The president of the Chamber, Andrés Martínez Arrieta, has commissioned an analysis of the amount of complaints and complaints that pass through their judges before being inadmissible in full in a large majority of cases.
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