Sewing is one of the most made crafts worldwide. Whether as a hobby or as a profession, seam is a rewarding activity with which not only to fix garments, it is also possible to create your own. Although today and thanks to new technologies, there are Impressive sewing machinesthere are those who prefer to use the traditional method.
Taking a sewing kit and sewing is a wonderful experience for lovers of this practice, unless you are looking for cookies and when you open the box you find it full of threads and needles. Although it may seem a bit complicated, once You learn to thread the needle Already make the pertinent knots, everything is sewing and singing.
Traditional sewing boxes are formed by needles of different caliber to adapt to the desired stitch type, the pins that serve as a guide and help keep the pieces together before sewing them, threads of different colors, scissors to cut, some tweezers, a thorough, some button and a kind of Silver currency that people usually ignore.
What many do not know is that this is one of the most useful tools of the entire sewing kit, perfect to solve one of the most common problems in this practice and that can sometimes be a real headache. It is, nothing more and nothing less, A needle threader.
This small metal plate, similar to that of a coin, is accompanied by a rhombus -shaped wire extension. Its main function is Help introduce the thread into the needlean sometimes complicated task. Just enter the needle through the wire and then pass the thread. When you take the needle, the fine rope will be threaded.
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