The times to apply the 37.5 hours workday They are not clear, everything will depend on the passage of the draft law through Parliament and if, finally, the star measure of Yolanda Díaz has the necessary support to get ahead and power … Implant in the labor market, as I have planned, before this 2025 ends, which is not clear today. In this scenario of uncertainty, companies are moving, which see a Horizon loaded with doubtsof bureaucracy and severe economic punishments for breaches. An explosive cocktail for many businesses, especially for the little ones, who have much less possibilities of adaptation to changes.
The norm is, at the moment, of obligatory compliance for all companies, regardless of their size or sector, and to ensure that they comply with the standard and detect possible fraud, Díaz and their team have designed a time record, monitored in real time by The Labor Inspection, which will have remote access to this tool, with which you want to enforce the standard. Do not do very high fines, up to 10,000 euros per workera decision that radically changes the sanctions that apply at the moment, which are by company and do not reach 7,500 euros.
No support measures
The entire process has generated alarm among smaller, SMEs and free companies, taking into account that the ways of work in these businesses, in many family cases, are more flexible. There are many doubts about how to implement the new day and does not help that financial aid is not planned to accompany the implementation of the new work week, which will affect 12 million employees.
As work experts explain to this newspaper, the problems are also arising because the registration of the working day does not take into account the particularities of each activity and for the fact that it collides with the new forms of work such as employment by objectives, the teleworking wave irregular schedule To favor conciliation. A sea of doubts that no one in government has dissipated and weighs as a slab for those who have to comply with labor legislation.
There are many demands but not many explanations. When this new law enters into force, businesses will have the obligation to prepare a personalized time record for each of its workers; A document in which the total number of hours worked must appear. Employees, on the other hand, must register their time of entry and exit of the company, all with the aim of being able to demand the collection of their overtime and of Cut the irregularitiesas work has stressed. “The scourge of the extra hours without paying has to end,” said Vice President Second, after explaining that in Spain six and a half million overtime are made a week, of which half are not paid.
Comply with the personalized time record will lead to companies will be obliged to deliver to their employees a monthly report in which the number of total hours worked is indicated in detail. Employees will receive this new document at the end of the month with their payrolls, which must contain those hours worked by each employee, both ordinary and complementary or extraordinary. And those who do not have to be able to demonstrate that their employees have worked the hours that really correspond to them … or they will be fined.
#schedule #fines #euros #employee #alarman