The actor, protagonist of this year’s Christmas lottery announcement, the Riojan from Villamediana de Iregua, Amadeo Marín, has approached administration number 6 of Logroño, known as ‘María del Carmen’ lotteries, which has sold ‘El Gordo’ this year, 72.48, has said that “I want to think that I have brought luck to La Rioja.”
In fact, he recalled that three days after the announcement was made public “a Primitiva played in my town – endowed with more than 10 million euros – and now ‘El Gordo’, the next thing I don’t know is going to be.”
Laughingly, he noted that “I don’t know if I got anything, but I hope the winners share something; I’ll let it fall.”
Marín, an amateur actor, has pointed out that “when they told me that the Gordo Prize had played in La Rioja I thought it was a joke.” He has acknowledged that the first promotional photo of the advertisement was taken together with the administration that distributed the first prize.
The number was sung at 11:27 a.m. on the sixth wire of the fifth table.
The prizes for the Extraordinary Christmas Draw 2024 will begin to be paid from the afternoon of December 22, when both the verifications of the numbers drawn and the computer processes are completed, as usual, and until March 24, 2025.
If the prizes are less than 2,000 euros for each tenth or receipt, they can be collected exclusively at one of the 10,884 points of sale of the Lottery commercial network, starting on the afternoon of December 22. In this case, the prize can be collected in cash or through Bizum.
Prizes of an amount equal to or greater than 2,000 euros will be collected from authorized financial entities: BBVA and Caixabank. Given that December 22 is a Sunday, it is expected that financial institutions will begin the payment process for jackpot prizes on December 23, except for exceptions for opening on Sundays or holidays.
#Rioja #actor #predicted #Gordo #Christmas #Lottery #brought #luck