The PSOE spokesman in Education and Senator for Tarragona, Manel de la Vega, has asked the PP on Saturday to “think about citizens” and estimates that the clisoning of the debt to the Autonomous Communities would allow the creation of 600,000 places in nursery schools in nursery schools
“The autonomous communities of the Popular Party can save 60,000 million euros and with the interests that we will save from the damage of the debt, which are more than 6,500 million euroswe can create more than 600,000 places from 0 to 3 years and even triple the professional training places, “said the socialist spokesman in a statement.
De la Vega has added that “Debt condonation for Autonomous Communities is an opportunity to invest in education” and give a boost to it.
With all this, the PSOE senator by Tarragona He has appealed to the popular to assume their responsibility and to think about citizens. “Feijóo has to prioritize the interests of citizens and not only in their electoral interests,” he concluded from La Vega.
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