Far from renouncing their livestock project, the promoters of the macrogranja controversy of the Mallorcan municipality of Sineu pursue, after the Decree Law of the Government that prohibits this type of exploitation, an alternative: to convert the great poultry farm in an equal, but swine.
The poultry company are Perot has rethink the business idea that projected on the lands of Son Venrell to mock the veto that the Government approved in order to regulate the location and maximum dimension of intensive farms of laying hens in Balearicas.
The new regulatory framework limits the size of these farms on rustic soil, making the production structure planned by the company unfeasible, as its promoter explained in a statement. Because of that, the company has decided to change the script and project an exploitation of pigs with the objective of “guaranteeing the viability of the project, strengthening the primary sector and contributing to the food sovereignty of Mallorca”, as detail in the same note.
The application to modify the livestock plan on the are Vanrell Diario de Mallorca. An application for environmental authorization integrated before the General Directorate of Urban Harmonization and Environmental Assessment of the Government has also been formalized in parallel.
A spokesman for the Balearic institution has assured, however, Eldiario.es, that the case has definitely filed and that for the project to be viable, it should be “processed from zero”. Something, right now, impossible.
Apart from the Decree Law of the Government, there is the suspension of licenses for farms in Sineu. The moratorium approved last October by the City Council will remain in force during the period of one year (until October 2025), the prohibition of issuing licenses linked to intensive livestock farms in rustic soil of the town.
In fact, the Consistory, governed by the PP, issued the urban non -compatibility report to raise an industrial complex of these characteristics with the support of the Government. Subsequently, the decree law was taken to prevent the intensive chicken farm that was designing the Poultry Son Perot, where it was intended to house more than 750,000 (the limitation established by the standard is 160,000).
The regulation also approves that the infrastructure and farms of agricultural and livestock exploitation must be established at a minimum distance from the population nuclei. Something that in this case would not be fulfilled, when the lands of Son Vernell were found less than a kilometer away from the town of Sineu.
The Poultry Company are Perot already criticized, when the new autonomous regulations for the livestock sector were approved, that the new regulations for intensive farms of corral did not extend to the pigs and bovine species. Something they perceived as an “unjustified sectoral discrimination” that has now become an advantage after the new commercial turn.
At the moment, the redesign that the company has done is viable. Because although the promoter has ensured that this new idea intends to “adapt” to the new regulation with a pig farm with a number of units of major cattle (UGM) nine times lower than the previous poultry project, the Sineu moratorium does not allow in Your domains any type of macrogranja.
A way to press administrations
The news has raised a stir among the different political voices. The parliamentary spokesman of the PSIB-PSOE, Iago Negueruela, has criticized the breach of the Government who said that there would be no large intensive farms in the town after the approval of the decree law.
For his part, Marc Pons, an deputy parliamentary spokesman of the Socialist Group, has accused President Prohens of “deceiving citizenship” after knowing the reformulation of the project of poultry exploitation in an infrastructure of equal characteristics but swine.
“Two weeks ago the president was in Sineu saying that there would be no macro farm project, while today, fifteen days later, someone has already made a new pig project,” he said.
The PSIB-PSOE recalled that he already warned that the norm approved by the regional executive in Consell de Government was “inconsistent” and “left too many open doors.” Pons has also demanded from Prohens the “immediate” withdrawal of the decree law and the approval of a two -year moratorium.
“If we want to regulate the sector we need a” tèntol “so that no one takes advantage of the processing time and to be able to redesign a sector management plan as appropriate,” he defended. He has also requested the set of political forces to reconsider a rule, in his opinion, with “numerous weaknesses” and before processing as a bill in case he ends up validating in the Parliament.
For its part, Més Per Mallorca has accused the promoter of the poultry macrogranja “seek to make noise” and press administrations with the reformulation of the project to include a swine exploitation.
The parliamentary spokesman of the party, Lluís Enric Apesteguia, has reiterated that the Niciative will not affect Sineu and recalls the validity of the moratorium that prevents the processing of these projects, something that the promoter “knows” that it exists.
Més has insisted that he does not feel pressed and emphasizes that, although a regulation was approved to limit the macro poultry farms, the party continues to advocate for a broader solution, such as the creation of a sectorial planning plan that regulates all livestock farms.
Finally, Apesteguia has raised, given the end of the moratorium in October, the possibility of presenting a proposition of law to ensure that licenses are not granted until this plan is developed.
#promoter #macrogranja #poult