The central government and the canary have closed this Thursday The distribution criteria that will be taken into account for a “punctual” and extraordinary relocation of 4,500 migrants Not accompanied in the Canary Islands and Ceuta to the rest of the country. The Minister of Youth and Childhood, Sira Rego, and the president of the archipelago, Fernando Clavijo, have decided to rescue the indicators that have already been agreed at a 2022 sector conference with the autonomous communities and that will serve to decide how many foreign minors must host each territory each territory According to its population, unemployment rate, territorial dispersion, income or “previous effort” that each autonomy has made in the reception of migrant minors.
It is, as Clavijo has stressed after the meeting at the Ministry headquarters, of “The spine” of the initiative in which they have been working for months To be able to relieve the tension that Canary Islands and Ceuta live, and that they hope to be able to send to the Congress of Deputies “as soon as possible.” Until then, it has detailed, the document is being evaluated by the State Advocacy, from whom they hope to obtain a report on the legal certainty of the initiative, since it touches something – the protection of migrant minors – which is the competence of communities Autonomous.
“Today we can say that we have taken a step as giants with these criteria”has celebrated the Canarian President, although these are indicators that already existed and that are the ones that have been used so far in other specific distributions agreed in various sectorial ones.
Previous effort in the reception of minors
Sira Rego also has celebrated this Thursday’s meeting, in which he considers that a “qualitative advance” has been achieved in the “punctual solution” that is to be given to the Canary Islands and Ceuta. An exceptional measure that, as pointed out, It does not mean that the Central Executive will not continue to insist on reforming the Foreigner Law so that those criteria for relocation of minors when a territory is saturated is not only something punctual, but structural.
Among all indicators, the head of Youth and Children wanted to highlight the distribution of inhabitants by territory and, although the Ministry emphasizes that all autonomies enter the cast, which will evaluate the “Previous effort” that has made a community in the reception of foreign minorssince it considers that both make the proposal they propose “balanced.” “We have to demand collectively, to make an effort,” he urged, after ensuring that the government is willing to “provide sufficiently in financial terms,” this proposal.
In that line, Clavijo has assured that the system has to “dimension” to be able to give a “homogeneous” response to the “humanitarian drama” caused by the migratory phenomenon. “I When a partner in a community speaks of which he is overwhelmed because he has 300 (minors) and we have 5,800 … is that We had those squares created either, we had to create them based on emergency decrees “he has asserted. “You have to make the fine adjustment, that will result in an Excel Table of Children and Children,” he added.
Asked for when they hope “In a very short time” they achieve a “closed support” of political partiesamong them Junts, whose seven seats, before the PP’s refusal to support this reform, will be key to getting ahead.
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