The Popular Party, through its general secretary Cuca Gamarra, has shown its direct concern about the movement that occurred in the last hours of this Saturday within Telefónica and that could lead to the replacement of the presidency of the teleco. In the opinion of the popular leader, “weekends are also times when Sanchismo can intervene, act and colonize, with no room for rest.” As he indicated to this newspaper, “Popular Party has the greatest concern since the Government is not enough to colonize public institutions, but now it also wants to colonize private companies and they do it by opposing television programs, senior managers of multinationals “.
The general secretary of the Popular Party explains that “nothing is outside the interest of the Socialist Party to spread sanchismo, even if it is at the cost of the prestige of one of the companies that is Spain’s brand abroad and that is also an international leader in its sector. in reference to Telefónica”. This multinational In the next few hours it faces some decisive moments in its recent history with a board meeting that plans to unanimously approve the proposal to appoint Marc Murtra, current president of Indra, as the new chief executive of the telecommunications group.
Faced with this situation, Gamarra explained that his party is following the events “with concern and with great attention to demand all the explanations and all the responsibilities that are necessary.” The same leader emphasizes that this maneuver invites her to “to convey the need for us to be very clear about what sanchismo is.”
Among other arguments, behind the brewing earthquake in telecom is Moncloa’s strategy of intervening in the government bodies of private companies through its business arm, personified in the State Company of Business Participations (Sepi). This public group holds 10% of the company’s capital, with a representative on the board, and with growing decision-making power in the business community.
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