The Motion of censure In the Lucense municipality of Viveiro it has come forward, with which the ‘popular’ Mariña Gueimunde, is already the mayor. The plenary that has given rise to this decision has gathered the Municipal Chamber with supporters, but also with people who have rejected that the PP snates from the socialists the town government with the support of the two councilors of Por Viveiro.
With this change of municipal government, the Pp recovers one of the socialist bastions of the province after 11 years of management of María Loureiro and a total of 22 held by the Socialistspreviously from Melchor Roel.
This change has caused a neighborhood current contrary to the decision of Por Viveiro, being a party traditionally linked to the left, despite not obeying any ideology. The change of the independents to support the PSOE in recent years to give the mayor to the PP It has not been well received In some sectors, who wanted to be present in the plenary to show their disagreement, although without incidents and maintaining respect for the institution.
It has been a tense session that was lived in Viveiro on Friday morning, in which the neighbors present did not hesitate to intervenesupporting each other, especially during the intervention of Bernardo Fraga. In the Plenary Hall there was no one else and, in fact, some of the political figures that were late could not approach the authorities area, since the neighbors remained stood by closing the passage. This flood of people caused the start of the session to be delayed while the local police officers open space.
The session has opened with the appointment of the presidential tableby the older councilor and the youngest. The table gave the word first to Mariña Gueimunde, as the spokeswoman of the match that presented the motion.
In her speech, the popular recalled that they were the most voted party, but that “they could not govern.” In fact, they obtained seven councilors, compared to the five of the PSOE and three of the BNG, who made coalition. It was the two of the independents for Viveiro, who came from the nationalist left area, which They tilted the balance again to give the cane to María Loureiro in 2023.
Gueimunde has justified the presentation of the motion of censure “by the uncontrol, lack of advances and mismanagement“From the local government, ensuring that” bicephaly was harming the City Council. “He has also defended the support of Viveiro, by ensuring that” when they signed with the PSOE they said that after two years they would review the management of the mayor and that they would withdraw the support if the agreements were not respected and have fulfilled their word. “
He also wanted to justify the motion of censure when defending it A “democratic” formula. “As we accept to separate ourselves by the coalition of three parties, now this action deserves, because it is a democratic tool,” he said.
In her speech, María Loureiro, the outgoing mayor, has taken the opportunity to congratulate Mariña Gueimunde and remember that “it was an honor to serve Viveiro.” He has also wished the new mayor to fruit the agreements, “because that is good for Viveiro”, before ensuring that will continue in the opposition and that in two years “there will be a new socialist project.” Thus, he has encouraged those present to avoid conflict and accept the motion.
Much harder in his speech has been the nationalist Miriam Bermúdez, a governing partner of Loureiro, who has accused of Viveiro of make “scams” and govern “personal interests” while “in the BNG did the job.” In addition, he has accused the PP of following a program of motion of censure through a boycott and taking advantage of the moment, with “a necessary cooperator, the Xunta, who stopped the investment to now give it to the PP and that appear as saviors.”
In the plenary, Bermúdez has accused the new party in the local government of “blackmailer” and making a “Trash policy” And he has made a compilation of all the projects in which they have worked “until the last moment”, ensuring that later “it will be the councilors of the PP who will take the photo.” This intervention has raised several protests from the public, like the last intervention, that of Bernardo Fraga, which initially apologized “for trusting so many years in the PSOE”, which he supported in the last legislatures.
The Independent has argued that this trust broke, so “after 14 years of support now no reproaches“Thus, he has argued that in Viveiro a change is needed, that different options were placed on the table and that none were accepted. Therefore, the socialists have invited to” make self -criticism, instead of blaming them. “
He has also asked the PSOE to withdraw the accusations “that they question their honesty” and has threatened that, otherwise, They will go to court. He has also invited to verify “the type of enrichment” that the decision will give them, a time when several neighbors have taken the opportunity to launch some comments, but without interrupting at any time. After the vote, which has passed without any altercation and on the expected one, Gueimonde received the cane of command of his predecessor and has made his first very excited speech and with his voice broken.
In this first intervention as mayor, he recalled his grandfather, who was mayor of the city and also provincial deputy. Gueimunde promised spaces and culture for young people and has had praises for the outgoing mayor, María Loureiro, and for her corporation partners. In addition, he has advanced that he will contact all administrations to attract investments to the municipality And he has ended with a sense felt by his father.
Mayors, senators and deputies among the attendees
Mayors of the Mariñana region and A Terra Chá of all political colors, senators and provincial and national deputies have attended an event in which the president of the Diputación, José Toméhe wanted to wrap the outgoing mayor.
At the end, Tomé has argued that Viveiro lived a “day of political transfuguism” and has described as “unfortunate” the session. Thus, he has accused Viveiro of being “a theoretically progressive candidacy that was sold in the arms of the Popular Party.” “We don’t know in exchange for that even, but we will know,” he said.
The room has been filled with mayors of all parties politicians of the councils of the region or neighboring areas. Thus, they have been present, among others, the councilors and councilors of Burela, Ribadeo, Xove, Foz, Riotorto, Abadín, Vilalba, Castro de Rei, Cospeito, Muras or Cervo. The PP has been represented by the Xeral Secretary of the popular Gallegos, Paula Prado, and the provincial president of Lugo, Elena Candia. The two leaders consider “significant” that, at the gates of International Women’s Day, “the game will add One more mayor“
Paula Prado has considered that the motion of censure was a decision “taken from responsibility“And with the aim of giving Viveiro an impulse” before a government that was paralyzed and did not meet the needs of the neighbors. “Thus, he said that he shows that” the pacts of losers are not good for citizenship. “
They have also been present in this takeover of several Provincial Deputies of the PSOE and the BNG, as well as national senators and deputies of the Popular Party, Francisco Conde, Raquel Arias, José Manuel Balseiro, José Manuel Barreiro or Juan Carlos Serrano.
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