Pope Francis has spent the day sitting in an armchair and has even made telephone calls. This Wednesday has also begun to make “motor physiotherapy” in addition to the respiratory, and has resumed some work activities. «The Holy Father has remained stable today without presenting episodes of respiratory failure. As scheduled, during the day he has received oxygen therapy to high flows and At night the non -invasive mechanical ventilation will resume», The Medical Bulletin begins.
In addition, it has increased respiratory physiotherapy and active motor ». It is the first time that this last activity is mentioned. On the other hand, “the day has passed in the armchair.” “Given the complexity of the clinical picture, prognosis is still reserved,” says doctors. Medical sources report that Pneumonia evolves normallyaccording to the treatment that Francisco is following.
As Lent begins today, «this morning, in the private apartment located on the tenth floor, participated in the rite of the blessing of the ashes that were imposed by the celebrant, and then received the Eucharist ». “Later he dedicated himself to some work activities,” he says. Francisco did not work last Friday. It is in any case light activities, which require little effort ..
It has also been known that «during the morning he called Fr. Gabriel Romanelli, Gaza’s Sagrada Family Pastor»To find out how about 500 refugees are there; and that “in the afternoon he alternated the rest with the work.”
The main novelty of this Wednesday was that Pope Francis alternates oxygen therapy with oxygen ventilation to high flows with nasal cannulas that he uses during the day, with the mask or “non -invasive ventilation” he receives at night. That has allowed him to “rest well at night,” as his spokesman announced early in the morning. Also this morning, Vatican Fuentes have confirmed that for bronchoscopy, such as usual praxis, received minimal sedation.
During the day, the Pontiff continues to perform “respiratory physiotherapy.” Avoid visits and dedicate your time to “rest and prayer.” Today he lived his staff “Ash Wednesday” and first day of Lent in his room on the tenth floor of the Gemelli Polyclinic Hospital.
Ash Wednesday in the Aventine without the Pope
In the afternoon, all the cardinals who reside in Rome have moved to the Basilica of Santa Sabina in the Monte Aventino to participate in the Mass and receive the ashes from the Pope’s delegate for this ceremony, Cardinal Angelo of Donatis, “major penitentiary.”
Donatis has read The homily that was prepared for Pope FranciscOr, a text written long ago and, they explain from the Vatican, not linked to the situation he is going through in the hospital. In fact, in it he talked about how who has no hope is condemned to “sink into sadness and desolation before the experience of death.”
In the text I remembered that ashes evoke the experience of one’s fragility. “Acts of ashes and earth, we feel the fragility in the experience of the disease, in poverty, in the suffering that sometimes suddenly bursts into us and our families,” he said.
It also referred to the “fragility” that is experienced before “the political and social life of our time”, “suspended powders that pollute the world: the ideological contrast, the logic of prevarication, the return of old identity ideologies that theorize the exclusion of the other, the exploitation of the resources of the earth, the violence in all its forms and the war between the peoples.” For the Pope, although the text has read it from Donatis, they are elements that «cloud the air of our planet, preventing peaceful coexistencewhile the uncertainty and fear of the future grow every day ».
“But Lent is also an invitation to rekindle hope in us,” he warned. «Without this hope, we are condemned to passively support the fragility of our human condition and, especially before The experience of deathwe sink into sadness and desolation, ”he concluded.
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