The sector of the Oliva oils from Spain Manifests his deep concern for the persistent breach, by some hospitality and restoration establishments, of the Royal Decree 895/2013in force in our country for more than a decade. This regulation forces to present olive oils in containers inviolablewhich guarantee 100% the integrity of the product and are duly labeled.
It is a competition that belongs to Autonomous communitiesmore specifically to the consumer agencies dependent on these administrations. The rest of oil -producing countries in Europe, that is, Italy, Greece and PortugalThey have incorporated equivalent measures in this regard. All of them with a greater penetration level than that of Spain.
Although it was about raising this rule to rank Communityfinally national measures were launched. That of our country has just turned 11, and according to the interprofessional of Spanish olive oil, following the Pandemia and oil price increase The will to enforce the norm has been exaggerated.
However, Rafael Sánchez de Puerta, secretary of the interprofessional of Spanish olive oil, has declared these problems have been overcome, for which a new stage must be initiated by the institutions To establish more exhaustive controls, in order to enforce the norm to all its purposes.
«It is undeniable that the entry into force of this standard represented a very positive advance. For the first time, hospitality customers could know with certainty what product they were consuming, ”he explains Pedro Cheappresident of the interprofessional of Spanish olive oil. «However, a decade later, it is unacceptable that there are still establishments that fail to comply with the law. It is unheard», Underline firmly.
Cheap emphasizes that these regulations benefit, first of all, the consumer: «What quality does an anonymous container offer me? What preferential consumption date does it have? Who is responsible in case of a food problem? And, most importantly, how can I be sure that it really contains extra virgin olive oil and not a mixture of other fats?«.
It also emphasizes that these bad practices harm both the hoteliers themselves and the Image of the sector. «Do not offer a guaranteed product subtract quality to customer experience and damages the reputation of the olive oils of Spain. In other large producing countries, such as Italy and Greecethe restaurants act as ambassadors of their olive oils. It is especially painful for this to occur in Spain, world leader in quality, production and marketing of olive oils, and a tourist power that is about to reach 100 million annual visitors. “
Given this situation, the interprofessional of Spanish olive oil has initiated a Round of meetings with the Government of Spain and the autonomous communities to demand greater control and ensure that compliance with the regulations is monitored. «Laws cannot be approved and then allow them not to be fulfilled. We demand the rigorous compliance of this law «, concludes cheap.
Information campaign “Peeerdona?”
But the Oliva oil sector in Spain is not willing to remain inactive while waiting for the results of its efforts. Therefore, under the umbrella Olive oils from Spain, The interprofessional promotion mark has been reactivated since last Friday a Informative campaign aimed at raising awareness among citizens and professionals about the importance of compliance with the regulations regarding the correct presentation of olive oils in the hospitality industry.
Specifically, he has resumed the successful initiative “Peeerdona?” which already reached a great impact in 2017 and 2018. «We want it to be understood that complying with this standard is not simply a bureaucratic procedure, but a Quality and Authenticity Guarantee. Oliva oils are a deeply rooted cultural symbol in our day to day. It is our responsibility to protect their quality and raise their image, not only to enjoy them as they deserve, but also to reinforce The image of Spain as a leading country«, Says Cheap, who also remembers that complying with the regulations» is a clear indicator of an establishment that takes care of his client and is transparent with the products he offers «.
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