More and more people They eliminate lactose From your diet thinking that this will help you lose weight or improve your health. However, numerous experts warn that eliminating it without a need derived from intolerance can have negative effects on the organism in the long term.
On this subject, the well -known nutritionist Pablo Ojeda has spoken in an intervention in the Kiss morning, Kiss FM program. During his speech, Ojeda explains why it is important to continue consuming lactose if there is no diagnosed intolerance, as well as the effects it can cause to stop consuming it for no real reason.
One of the points that the expert stands out is that lactose without exactly the same calories and sugars as normal milk. The only difference is that lactose, which is a double sugar molecule, is already decomposed in glucose and galactose, which facilitates their digestion for those who have intolerance. However, this is not any advantage for people who can digest lactose without problems.
The problem, according to Ojeda, is that if a person without intolerance stops consuming lactose, his body stops produce the necessary enzymes To digest it. These enzymes, which function as “scissors” that cut lactose into smaller molecules, are deactivated due to lack of use. As a consequence, when that person returns to consume products with lactose after a while, he experiences digestive discomfort and believes that he has developed an intolerance, when in reality it has been his own body that has stopped producing the necessary enzymes.
The same goes for gluten
Something similar happens with gluten. Ojeda warns that the fashion of ‘gluten free’ has led many people to eliminate it from their diet without being celiac or gluten sensitive. The result is that, not consuming it, the diversity of the intestinal microbiota can be affected and, in some cases, generate a greater sensitivity When reintroducing it in the diet
In addition, the nutritionist highlights that gluten, even if it is not an essential nutrient, provides fiber, satiety and vitamins. Many of the foods that contain it, such as whole grains, are source of important nutrients for the body. However, those who eliminate gluten usually end up resorting to highly processed gluten -free products, such as muffins, buns or industrial breads, which usually carry more sugars and fats, which ultimately can cause weight gain instead of favoring a food healthier.
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