The Government of Spain definitively approved the new Historic Vehicle Regulations last September, Therefore, it replaced the regulations that dated back to 1995. and that it had become obsolete for many of the new requests.
In short, thanks to the new regulations, the General Directorate of Traffic wants to protect automotive heritage of vehicles that are more than 30 years old. So far, the new provision has achieved its first good results, since more than 20,000 owners have requested the procedure to convert their car into historic ones.
How have these spectacular numbers been achieved?
Firstly, the cost of the DGT procedure to Changing the name of the vehicle to historic only costs 20.81 euros and it can be requested in person or through the organization’s virtual headquarters. Furthermore, when checking whether your car meets the requirements set by the Regulation, it is only necessary for it to be accredited by an entity related to the historic vehicle or by the new Historic Vehicle Technical Services.
Furthermore, the DGT has prepared a map with authorized entities to classify cars as Historic according to the Regulation. Finally, a historic vehicle has many tax advantages. such as a low circulation tax or are directly exempt.
What categories of historic vehicles exist?

The new Regulation establishes in its article 4 the classification into two groups. First of all, group A is made up for “those vehicles that, meeting the requirements of article 3.1, have an ordinary registration in Spain and have a valid vehicle technical inspection.”
On the other hand, group B includes to “the rest of the vehicles included in article 3 that do not meet the requirements of letter a) above. This group will also include those vehicles that, even though they meet the requirements of letter a) above, their owner wishes to obtain a historical license plate because the ordinary license plate assigned to the vehicle does not correspond to that of its date of manufacture or registration. .
Will it be possible to monitor “occasional use” in historic vehicles?
First of all, Article 5 of the Regulation, whose title is Documentation to be presented at the Traffic Headquarters, specific in section b, that it will be necessary to deliver “a responsible declaration that occasional use will be made of it, in accordance with the updated model published on the electronic headquarters of the General Directorate. of Traffic” to request that a vehicle be historic before the DGT.
In short, despite the fact that the responsible declaration It is proof that the vehicle is only used a maximum of 96 days a yearthe truth is that it will be very difficult to know 100% if all owners comply with this section, so we will have to appeal to the common sense of the owners of historic vehicles.
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