The campaign ‘End to arms trade with Israel’ – impulsed from the solidarity network against the occupation of Palestine (Rescop) and supported by more than 500 organizations throughout Spain – has denounced in a statement that the National Court has rejected its Application for information to the Ministry of Economy, Commerce and company related to exports and weapons transfer to Israel, before and after the beginning of the war in Gaza on October 7, 2023.
The Contentious-Administrative Chamber had admitted last January the request for proof of the Palestine Community of Catalunya regarding the administrative experiences of the current authorizations of transfer of defense and double-use material to Israel, the reports of the Reviews of the Licencies of experiments to Israel before October 7, 2023 and special risk control documents, according to the statement.
The Rescop welcomed that January decision since it was “the first opportunity to control the possible complicity of our government with the genocide of the Palestinian people.” However, after an appeal for the State Advocacy on behalf of the Ministry of Economy, the National Court establishes in a car dated February 10 that it is not pertinent to request such information that, in addition to “impertinent”, is “abusive by his excess “and” confidential. ” In that letter, he also admits errors and confusion in his car of January 17, that the February 10 car seeks to clarify.
“They are not admitted for impertinent to resolve the question debated in this resource that, in view of the express resolution, consists in determining whether or not the recurring part has an active legitimation to request the initiation of the file of revocation of all authorizations in force in Foreign trade matter, both export and import of defense and double -use material that has as its destination or as its origin the state of Israel ”, reads in the last car.
This Wednesday, ‘End to the trade of weapons with Israel’ has lashed out against the self -clarification of the National Court: “clearly, it is an arbitrary resolution, lacking the foundation and facilitates that the Government of Spain continue to hide information and information and Documentation about what the arms relations between Spain and Israel have been after October 7, 2023 ”. And it goes further: “This decision question the separation of powers and the independence of the Judiciary, de facto favoring the Ministry of Economy, allowing to continue keeping silent and maintaining an obstructionist attitude of the truth.”
The rescop and other social organizations have been mobilizing since the Spanish government imposes a total of weapons to Israel, both of exports and imports, and also of the defense material that passes through the Spanish ports to Israel. In its statement, ‘End to arms trade with Israel’ stressed that during the months of November and December 2024, Spain bought military material from Israel worth 1.7 million euros, according to data obtained from the official Datacomex portal.
#National #Court #refuses #government #arms #trade #Israel