Four years after the publication of the list of almost 35,000 infre I advance in a situation that seems to be almost at the beginning. “There is no way to know what are the property with the signing of a bishop,” summarizes José María Rosell, president of the Recover Platform, which brings together different groups that claim all the information available on the more than 100,000 goods that, calculate They were registered by the ecclesiastical institution between 1946 and 2015.
Without these data it is impossible to make claims in case of irregular appropriations. And there are thousands of real estate and farms on which information is not provided, or on which too generic descriptions are offered that prevent knowing what they refer to, or inscriptions of a property that actually brings together multiple elements. And it is not something to blame only the Church. Recovering also points to property registrars.
“The current list only contains a quarter or a third of the total information, and does not even allow the assets to be identified,” Rosell complains. The only documents that would park doubts are the simple notes of the properties, but the way to obtain them is being little less than impossible. “It is a problem that corresponds to the Ministry of Justice and the registrars: one has to demand it and the others, to offer that information,” says the platform spokesman. Recovering points to the country’s records as “allies” of the Church. “Things that were prohibited, such as places of worship,” Rosell exemplifies. And some are buildings as recognizable as the Cathedral of Seville or the Barcelona Basilica of Santa María del Mar.
“It’s a church”
During his investigations, the Catalan Platform Recoverant found an unusual response. The group wanted to address a well -known case, popularized by the literary successful novel by Ildefonso Falcones The sea cathedral. The book, which had its replica on television in the form of series, affects a key aspect in the relationship between monuments and ownership: Who does a temple built through the effort of all citizens belong?
The platform had news that the Basilica of Santa María del Mar de Barcelona had been registered by the Church recently. Moreover, access had ceased to be free and, for several years, it is necessary to pay an entry to see the interior. “We knew that Santa María del Mar had been immatriculated, but we wanted to know the details,” says Dino Di Nella, recovery spokesman. With the data of the cadastral reference, they requested a simple note marking as a reason the “Legal and Consultation” box, one of the four options available.
The response of the College of Registrars left them speechless: “They denied us the information saying that it was not appropriate to give that information because it was a church; Nothing more, ”says Di Nella.
Dino Di Nella
– recovery spokesman
The response of the College of Registrars left them speechless: “They denied us the information saying that it was not appropriate to give that information for the reason we had indicated, because it was a church; Nothing more, ”says Di Nella. “Apart from Santa María del Mar is a communal good, of all, it seems to us that with this response the main argument of the government falls when it says that any citizen can go to a record to request the information they want, because to us He was denied, ”he says. In Catalonia alone, the platform calculates that the goods affected by ecclesiastical immatriculations exceed 10,000. In the list prepared by the Government are 4,192.
Cemetery solar with church inside
“More than 80% of the list of goods is affected by lack of information,” says the coordinator for heritage recovery. He points out that the data provided in the Public List of Hyply Household goods by the Church prevent, in most cases, to know what concrete properties we are talking about. “They refer to houses, hermitages, homes or farms that are not known what their president, José María Rosell. The most obvious case in this situation refers to one of the most popular temples in Asturias. This is the Church of Santa Cristina de Lena, which is included in the Asturian pre -Romanesque World Patrimony Declaration.
Despite its popularity among neighbors and heritage lovers, the temple was consigned as “Chapel in Felgueras”, an expression hardly associated with the Lena building. In the Asturian case, however, the inventory provided is exceptionally accompanied by a column in which a “registration number” appears that, consulted in the relevant property registry, allowed to identify the Church. To locate the rest of the properties, the process should be repeated, reference to reference.

The different associations and platforms that claim information on the housing goods have encountered tens, hundreds of similar cases. How to know what we mean when so generic as “rustic”, “real estate”, “soils”, “plots”, “solar” or, simply, “farms” appear, where the only differential data is the name of the municipality in the one found. Hence the findings that are produced are as sporadic as surprising. When investigating what one of the boxes of the public list was referred to with the “Solar of the old cemetery” information, the reality is that a much more enlightening fact was accompanied: “… within which the parish church of San Julián de los Prados ”. That is, the oldest of the pre -Romanesque temples of Asturias, which is located in the city of Oviedo.
The Cathedral of Seville, the pack “All in one”
Another of the main problems that affect the public list offered by the Government has to do with the organization of its content: information about immatriculations appears, but not on immatriculated goods. It is precisely this circumstance that leads to the different groups fighting for the transparency of the data to calculate that the 34,961 references consigned should be tripled at least, to know the approximate number of affected goods. This calculation, which is based on the documentary experience carried out in Navarra (which is an average of 3.4 goods for each immatriculation), already throws a total figure that easily exceeds 100,000 goods.

But, if surprising is the figure, they are even more the abundant examples of immatriculations that enclose a whole of goods much broader than the original, in which the properties multiply. Particularly striking is the case of the Cathedral of Seville, where “annexed units” are included together with the building, an annotation that refers to something as little bulky as the temple bell tower itself – La Giralda – or a space that does not happen either unnoticed, like the Patio de los Naranjos.
Here, the examples shoot. In the Cathedral of Valencia it is called “complementary dependencies” to the tower of the micalet (14th century), while the immatriculation of the parish of San Salvador de Artá in Mallorca included, incidentally, the historical walls of Artá and the interior gardens, Retrieved by the City Council after going to the Supreme Court, according to the platform recovering.
Also, to the Cathedral of Jerez a couple of “redoubts” were added that, in reality, are open spaces with usual circulation of people and vehicles. And in Getafe the church of Santa María Magdalena and La tip was registered, in this case, it was the entire space of the hill of Los Angeles. Without forgetting one of the classics of the immatriculations practiced by the Church: public squares. This has happened, for example, in Alcalá de Henares (Children’s Plaza), Córdoba (Plaza del Pocito) or Fuerteventura (Puerto Church Square), among dozens of examples. It is what Rosell, president of the platform recovering, calls “Pack all in one”, one of the realities that hinder the demanded transparency to the government in this matter and, therefore, allow identifying the reality affected by the inscriptions.
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