The mayor of the Mallorcan municipality of Alcúdia, Fina Llinares (PP), has ceased “for loss of confidence” to Joan Mateu Gual (Vox), until this Tuesday Councilor for Tourism, who raised the controversy in July last year for denying that the Republican Aurora Picornell, better known as the ‘passionate’ of Mallorca, was killed by the Francoist side, pointing to his death as one more in the context of the civil war.
The Consistory has justified in a statement that, since the beginning of the current legislature, the commitment of forming a “solid and cohesive” government team was established with the objective of “transforming Alcúdia”, a claim in which, at the moment, at the moment, at the moment, at the moment, at the moment, at the moment, at the moment, at the moment, at the moment, I wouldn’t fit Gual. And, according to publishes Diario de Mallorcathe extreme right exregitor would have spent “thousands of euros” without justifying taxis, hotels and restaurants, in addition to having detected alleged irregularities when paying various events sponsored by the City Council.
Gual, who Drag Queen. Who before his entry into politics worked as public relations and Drag Queen, will be replaced by his party partner and municipal spokesman for Vox, Juan José Sendín. The municipal corporation has thanked the “dedication and effort” of the already ex -regular during its management at the head of the tourism department.
“To reach our goals, it is essential to have a united and committed team. Trust is an essential pillar in our management, and we will make all the necessary decisions to guarantee a strong and effective government that continues to work for and for our people, ”said the mayor of Alcúdia by making known the cessation of Gual.
During his management in the City Council, Gual lifted the Polvareda following some demonstrations in the municipal station in which he pointed out that itching, symbol of fascist repression in Mallorca and whose photograph was torn that same month by the president of the Parliament, Gabriel les Senne was not killed by Franco, but his death was one of many caused by the war conflict. Actually, during the eve of Kings of 1937, the coup plotters shot the head of the Women’s Organization of the Communist Party in Balears, today turned into an icon of historical memory and republicanism.
After that, the opposition parties Alcúdia -Psoe, Més, Unides Podem and the Pi- They presented a motion To, unsuccessfully, claim resignation or cessation. The then councilor refused to leave his position and PP, Vox and Unió Per Alcúdia, members of the government team, voted against their dismissal.
#mayor #Alcúdia #ceases #Councilor #Tourism #Vox #spending #thousands #euros #restaurants #hotels