The majestic has to take away the European tree title of the year to Juan Molinera’s pine

Nor the Juan Molinera pine of abegibre (albacete) or mobilization encouraged by Lalachus in The revolt They have been able with the majestic Hay Pole Heart of the Dalkowskie Hillswhich has been chosen on Wednesday as a European tree of the year 2025 with more than 140,000 votes. A milestone for the country, which chains four consecutive years receiving the distinction of the Environmental Association Association (EPA, in acronym in English).

Second was the Portuguese ficus the Baniano de los Enamoradosalthough far from the Polish copy. The tree of the neighboring country achieved more than 43,000 votes in the contest, in which aspiring more than one fortnight of countries participated and that accounted for more than 400,000 votes for the total contestants.

The winning tree is a there are common (Fagus Sylvatica) that rises in the Polish city of Dalków, in the southwest of the country. It is a true jewel of nature and not only because of its appearance, but because the specialists estimate that he is 300 years old.

This Haya lives in a historic park. In this sense, his name is not accidental. It is called heart for three reasonsexplains the organization of the contest in its file: it grows in the central part of the Dalkowskie hills, its red leaves reminiscent of the color of a heart and under its branches visitors and curious are concentrated.

The winner of the European tree contest of the year is also a Place of recollection. Under its branches concerts, reading clubs and Catholic masses were held. In addition, it enjoys a certain reputation among tourists, who ask for wishes and throw peanuts into the tree hole, believing that it comes true.

Bronze for pine Juan Molinera

Juan Molinera’s pine of Abengibre had to settle for the bronze medal upon receiving 36,873 votesalthough this small municipality of Albacete is happy, especially for the reach of the campaign initiated by the comic Lalachus in its appearances in The revolt of RTVE. The Madrid composed to a song, in an initiative that even collapsed the voting website for several hours.

“The advertising value that gave us in the program is something that we cannot pay with money, but We reward you with all the love of Abengibre”, Says in statements to EFE The mayor of Abengibre, Javier García. The support of the comic and public chain has lasted until the last moment, because it even moved to Brussels to continue live the contest failure, which has been held since 2011.

With 19 meters high and 2.6 meters in the trunk perimeterEl Pino Albacete represented Spain at the event after being a winner in the tree contest of the year in Spain 2025, in which he received more than 6,000 votes. It is a singular tree in an area of ​​ancient orchards through which generations of farmers have passed and becomes very important since abegibre sprouted water from its 56 sources and springs.

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