The main investigated of the FP case points to the Ayuso government and admits to the judge the use of an irregular procedure “always”

The Court of Instruction that investigates the FP scandal that stalks the Ayuso Government has made a statement this Thursday to Alfonso Mateos, investigated and deputy director of FP of the Community of Madrid until March 2024. At that time, the Ministry of Education ceased to be fulminating it fulminating it as the main responsible for an illegal construction system: millionaire works in secondary institutes in contest and finger. To do this, invoices were cut in amounts of less than 40,000 euros, which has caused an investigation for possible prevarication after a judicial complaint of Podemos. In the case they are also personally person; More Madrid and the PSOE, but the judge has prevented the Community of Madrid from being an accusation and a harmed part.

Mateos has confirmed this Thursday before the judge of instruction that the hiring system has been this “always”, which were putting as operating expenses that were not operational and has defended themselves by saying that the constructions in educational centers were not within its competence. The education release has indicated that, in fact, this system (which can constitute a crime) was promoted from the Ministry, then in the hands of Enrique Ossorio – today president of the Assembly and a person close to Isabel Díaz Ayuso – because since the Ministry they told him that they did not want the centers to have an ordinary budget too large, and that, therefore, it worked in this way, cutting out works, according to works, according to works interrogation

In his statement before the Prosecutor’s Office a year ago, Mateos maintained the same position and described in detail before the prosecutor the procedure to build that he is now under investigation. A framework that involves several departments of the Ministry of Education, as other sources consulted by In fact, it was the counselor who had to sign to justify the need for the works when constructions were carried out. He also revealed in his statement for the sanitary pavilion of the School City Institute – the first case that was known and in which 2.5 million euros were budgeted without a contract already finger – that when he reached the position, in 2017, “this mechanic already was done” and “that not only this type of operations were carried out with these centers, but with many others such as IES San Blas, Ignacio Ellacuría, Isaac Peral, Antonio Machado. has accredited a dozen illegal works, but educational sources calculate that these can only be the Iceberg tip.

The current Ministry, directed by Emilio Viciana, was the one who spent the case to the Prosecutor’s Office, after one of the businessmen who had not charged sent bureauxes and notified that he was going to get the issue in light. In addition to Ossorio as previous counselor, this investigation also compromises who was his right hand, Rocío Albert, today counselor of Ayuso and one of the key people of his government. has accredited works in almost all territorial directions, under different general directors and even in buildings that did not depend organically on Mateos.

In addition to the former sub -director, on Thursday, two Center directors to which the Ministry of Viciana has issued and has placed, together with Mateos, as suspects, although they are teachers with charge and have no capacity to manage more than the money sent from the Ministry, as they accredit knowledgeable sources, have declared in the Instruction. Both have pointed out that they did not decide anything, nor tendered, that everything “came from above”, that they simply reached the upper invoices and organs indicated that they had to be paid and how. accredited Correos in which the directors asked Mateos and this gave them the orders of how to pay and from what accounts.

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