The president of the Generalitat Valenciana, Carlos Mazón, is still determined to dissemin missing.
In the session of the Valencian Corts this Thursday – in which the proposal presented by Compromís has been rejected to claim the resignation of Mazón, thanks to the votes of the PP and Vox – the Chief of the Consell has not hesitated to continue feeding the Bulos that have been widely denied, especially with the documentation that the different institutions are contributing to the judge investigating the catastrophe. Some bulos that has also seconded the vice president and spokesman of the Consell, Susana Camarero. These are some examples of the most flagrant lies that have truffled their speeches.
Carlos Mazón: “If we have not had enough with the thunderous silence of the Hydrographic Confederation of Júcar or the Fiasco of the Aemet forecasts already accredited …”. The surroundings of the Valencian government leaked two manipulated audios of the president of the CHJ, Miguel Polo, and an Aemet meteorologist in conversation with an emergency employee of the Valencian Generalitat, in which he tried to feed the theory of the alleged “informative blackout” . However, the complete conversations published by, disassemble this story: Polo warned that all the information of the Poyo ravine was available at the Emergency Coordination Center and the meteorologist moved at 12.00 that the worst of the storm was For arriving between 3:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. inside Valencia, as happened. In addition, the documentation sent by the CHJ to the court reflects that he sent 18 notices by mail on the rains and the flow of the Poyo basin, whose competence is of the Generalitat Valenciana. The Mazón government sent home to firefighters who were watching the Rambla flow.
Carlos Mazón: “It is not me who does not stop showing my face and who does not flee from the sites, is not me.” The president of the Valencian Government, however, has accessed the session of the Corts through the rear door located on the street of the Llibertat to avoid the demonstration of the victims of the Dana, which was developed at the main door of the Corts.
Carlos Mazón: “The Minister of Ecological Transition recognized in the Senate that the works of the Poyo Barranco were not done by the damn Law of the Huerta del Consell, which saved the reeds and rats before people.” As reflected in the Senate newspaper on February 11 (complete at the end of the information, page 11), it was the deputy of the PP, Luis Santamaría, who in his question to the minister and vice president of the Government, Sara Aagesen, It refers to “why socialists approved a law, with the help of Mr. Morera and Compromís, the law of the garden, which prevents executing basic infrastructure such as those that would Avoid the Dana catastrophe (…). and why you preferred to save the rods and river rats that grow in the channels to save people. ”
This was the complete response of the minister who at no time speaks of incompatibilities with the Huerta Law, but of the expiration of the Environmental Impact Declaration, obtained in 2011 by the inaction of the Government of Rajoy: “The Government of Spain was found that a project that should be executed had been paralyzed and lost the Environmental Impact Declaration. I insist on this, because I think it is very important to put it in value. As you know, the rehabilitation project, the project for adapting the Poyo and Saleta ravines, has been trying to run many decades. But I would also like to inform you that the projects raised in that area had the most valuable document for possible execution, I insist, the Environmental Impact Declaration in 2011, and knows; And know. What this government has done has been to resume projects since that year 2018, and we are taking into account the update derived from the impact of this DANA. In any case, I would like you to be aware of something very important, and there is no infrastructure that alone, by itself, faces an extreme weather event. What should happen in a responsible government, which has to alert and protect its population, is that when receiving scientific information from public officials – which are dedicated to your public function – you issue the alert in a timely manner to protect you. In addition, I would like to say something as important as, at the time of territory management, all administrations must be responsible and take into account those maps of flood areas that are available. ”
Susana Camarero: “The Aemet failed in the forecast, in the tone of the message and in what he said: 150-180 and not 500, the 700 and 800 liters that rained. Aemet kept the Emergency Coordination Center (CCE) informed at all times since, at 7.36, it activated the red notice for torrential rains. In total there were 15 communications until 18.10. As reports The provinces This same Thursday and has confirmed, the AEMET bulletin indicates that the threshold for red level, 180 liters per square meter, could be over Camarero is not referred to are not the planned limit, but the threshold from which the red notice is activated. That newsletter was sent by mail to CCE.
Susana waiter. “None manipulation. The content of the audios is important, the tone of the message is of absolute tranquility (‘we are no longer bother Absolute tranquility and all they have to do is not go out. ” From the Aemet meteorologist conversation, no matter how much it occurs in a relaxed tone, it is difficult The worst will begin at the afternoon as until 6:00 p.m. That midday strip in mid -afternoon. And starting from the most attached to that interior of the coastal part, and already pulling inside, as in the direction of Rincón de Ademuz ”.
About The interview in A Punt to which waiter refersIt is not “the president of Aemet”, but the head of weather of the Valencian Community, José Ángel Núñez, and obviously at any time he spoke of “absolute tranquility.” This was what he said live at 11.51 hours: “We have been with a situation with different storm systems that go from south to north of the province of Valencia, more inside, affecting the regions of La Ribera Alta , La Hoya de Buñol, areas of Utiel Requena (…). It clashes a lot that in coastal cities such as Valencia is almost not raining, but in interior areas such as Catadau, Alfarp or La Pobla Llarga, 200 liters per square meter are exceeded. Much of these precipitations accumulated in a few hours. It is a situation that is going to move north and interior, towards Castellón, they are very persistent situations that end up accumulating many liters. There is a very important thing about the ravines. In the coast it is not raining and that can make you trust you. These situations are the most dangerous because when it rains in mountains or mountains, all rivers, ramblas or ravines come very growing in areas where it is not raining, therefore, we can minimize the risk, therefore, we must not expose itself to a Risk situation, acting with common sense and according to the recommendations of authorities and the technicians of the CHJ. As for the red alert, there is a 24 -hour surveillance and the notices are going to be updated. The situation tends to move north and in principle the notices end at 6:00 p.m. cold ”.
Carlos Mazón: “The nearby trains continued to pass.” At 9.37the circulation of C3 line of nearby, which depends on the Ministry of Transportation and Sustainable Mobility, between Chiva and Buñol by water accumulation (was restored at 10.58), according to Adif sources, is suspected. At 9.55the circulation of the vicinity between Buñol and Utiel is also suspended by accumulation of water. About the 12.00, FGV cuts a section flooded between L’Alcúdia and Alginet. In addition, throughout the day there were incidents isolated by the wind (in splicing in the direction of Paterna and Llíria) or by floods (in Alginet and Carlet). At 17.15 The circulation of nearby trains between Utiel and València Nord is suspended. At 17.45 Adif decides to suspend the circulation of the bird by flooding a tunnel between seven waters and chiva. The public entity announces it on social networks to 18.18. “Preventively,” says Adif, the high -speed circulation that joins Madrid and València is interrupted. At 18.20Adif suspends the Cercanías Service of Line C-6 and the length of long distance trains from Barcelona and València.
At 18.50Adif suspends the circulation of nearby trains between Valencia, Xàtiva and Gandia due to water accumulation and road circuit occupation in different stations of the paths. The circulation of long-distance, medium distance, and near the C-1 and C-2 lines of València and merchandise is also suspended, which implies the stoppage of all relations in the capital of the capital.
What continued was the subway service, under the Generalitat Valenciana, in the line towards Paiporta. The Railroads command post of the Generalitat Valenciana (FGV) received a notice around 19.00 warning that the Ríl at the height of the Poyo de Paiporta ravine was flooded.
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