Four years later, the candidates for drawing professor who suffered the “gallimaties” of the Andalusian oppositions of 2021 will be restored. This summer, they will be called again to appear before the blank folio with squad and bell, after suffering a practical test that caused an avalanche of complaints and complaints. The Junta de Andalucía first denied the failures and arbitrariness in those oppositions to be so much. Years later, when she was condemned to repeat the exam, she dragged her feet to avoid applying the sentence to all opponents. Now, the Andalusian government has announced that it will summon all those who presented themselves to the 2021 drawing oppositions and did not get a place so that they can perform the tests again.
The announcement is still pending formalized in the BOJ June 2021. They will compete for a total of 113 places. The counseling website will soon publish the qualification and evaluation criteria, and the invalidations and penalties, which must be collected in an officially published order.
The exam led to a flood of complaints from the same day of its celebration. That was a “concatenation of nonsense and disorder”, a “nonsense”, according to several candidates and trainers at this time at that time. The Association 09 of Drawing Teachers Plastic Arts and Plastic and Visual Education denounced failures in five of the eight years, and the presidents of each court had to correct until the errata faith.
They did each one contributing a solution of their own harvest: some granted extra time and others not; Some eliminated questions and others no; Some did nothing. It was a chaotic morning in which the members of the court in charge of ensuring the neutrality of the test came out of the mobile classrooms in hand without knowing very well how to manage the mess. Improvisation was such that episodes of anxiety crisis were lived.
The lack of clarity in the correction criteria motivated that each court resolve the decisions and ambiguities of the examination in a different way, violating the principles of transparency and advertising that govern access to the public function, according to the Superior Court of Justice of Andalusia In seven sentences issued in the spring of 2024, after years of judicial battle by some opponents who felt frustrated by the exam and Ninguneados by the Administration. If there were clear criteria, errors would not have been produced or would have resolved equanimously, the court reasoned before canceling the opposition.
Waiting for details
Now, the new extraordinary call with which it is intended They protested the courts. “Nobody has informed us of anything, and we don’t even know if we will have to examine ourselves from the beginning or only of the practical part, which is where errors occurred. Nor do we know if the criteria are then or those of the Lomloe [que por entonces no había entrado en vigor]”, Explains Celia Ruiz, president of the Association 09.
In any case, Ruiz declares himself satisfied by the number of places, 113, and because finally the struggle is resolved in favor of the applicants. For the opponents called again, this extraordinary call is a new opportunity in more advantageous conditions than open oppositions, since it limits the number of candidates to those who presented themselves in 2021 and did not get a place then. The ratio, 113 places for a total of 742 applicants who meet the requirements (1 place for every six candidates), improves the usual.
However, there are also runrún for the possibility that the Ministry has taken those places by detracting them from the call planned by 2026. This year no places are convened for the drawing specialty, just as there was no call of 2024. already then, then, Some interpreted him as the symptom that the Ministry provided for them to condemn it to repeat those of 2021, and was keeping squares. The last ones are those of 2023, when 212 seats were taken; In the oppositions of 2021, 119 were put into play.
Change of criteria in the Ministry
In the absence of the details of the new call, the announcement of the department headed by Carmen Castillo is a villant regarding the intention announced by the Andalusian government when this medium revealed the sentences that condemned him. At that time, he intended to call the opposition only to the seven people who had resorted to the courts, according to this media the Ministry, which was then in full exchange of teams after the relay of Patricia del Pozo by Castillo.
This criterion collided with the literalness of the sentences that, despite having been issued individually for each of the applicants, indicated in their ruling that the Junta de Andalucía had to summon “the opponents” again. That is, all and all who presented themselves had to have the opportunity to make the opposition again. The sentences saved those who, despite everything, had achieved their place, which was untouchable.
During the months since April 2024 (date of the TSJA sentences), the Junta de Andalucía has maintained this indefinition. Association 09 wrote to the Ministry to ask, but did not get an answer.
Just four months ago the Board began to send individual notifications to the seven candidates with a sentence in their favor, informing them that he intended to summon them again. On the contrary, he ignored the others, which motivated that a group of candidates (affected by the exam but had not initially resorted to) went to court to ask them to also be called. The TSJA closed the door telling them that it was not necessary, because they could take advantage of the new call in any case, since the sentence was of general application.
Now, after months threatening with the opposite, the Junta de Andalucía confirms that all those who appeared to that exam will have a new opportunity.
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