The journey of humanity: this was the conquest of all the Earth’s continents

The fire illuminated the cave while shadows of primitive humans They danced on the rock walls. There were no maps, compasses or fixed directions, only the instinct and hunger to discover what was beyond.

They didn’t know what They would change the storythat each step would open roads that millions would travel later. They only advanced, crossed rivers, climbing mountains and left traces in unknown lands. Thus began Most transcendental trip of humanity: the expansion of Homo sapiens For the world.

Although some remains suggest that our ancestors stepped Greece 210,000 years ago, they didn’t stay there. Europewith an unpredictable climate and glaciations, it did not become a permanent home until relatively recently: between 50,000 and 60,000 years.

There, they met the Neanderthalswith whom they shared territory and offspring before they disappeared. The genetic analysis of fossils such as Oase 1 In Romania confirms that there was of mixed race between both species.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the planet, other groups had reached Asiaestablishing themselves in its coasts and entering inside more than 100,000 years ago. They did not travel alone: ​​the Denisovanos They were also there, and their DNA still survives in many Asian populations, especially in Tibetans and Melanesios, who inherited genes that help them survive at extreme altitudes.

Africa, the cradle of all humans

But the story began much earlier, in Africawhere do some 300,000 years The first emerged Homo sapiens. According to Michael Petragliaof the Australian Center for Human Evolution, “all evidence point to the origin and dispersion of Homo sapiens out of Africa ”. Fossil remains such as Jebel IrhoudIn Morocco, they reinforce this theory.

Around 200,000 years later, some left the continent, crossing the Sinai or bordering the Red Sea to the Arabian Peninsulathen much greener and humid than today. The tools found in To the wustain Saudi Arabia, they suggest that these first migrants took advantage of the banks of ancient lakes.

From the Southeast Asia, the next jump led the first humans to Australia and New Guineawhen they still formed a single territory known as Sahul. Genetic traces suggest that they arrived about 60,000 years ago, although there are archaeological remains in Madjedbebein Australia, which could be up to 65,000 years.

Their descendants would continue to explore, reaching Pacific Islands In migrations that culminated with Polynesian expansion just 1,500 years ago, using sophisticated double helmet vessels and advanced knowledge of stellar navigation.

In Americathe story is different. For years, it was believed that the first inhabitants arrived 13,000 years ago through the Beringia Land Bridgebut recent findings in New Mexico indicate that they could have arrived at least 23,000 years ago. From the north, they went down the continent, reaching Chili about 14,550 years ago, as evidenced by the site of Monte Verde II.

The Antarctica It was the last border. While the American John Davis He claimed to have stepped on his ground in 1821, there is no consensus on who did first. Some point to the Norwegian explorer Carsten Borchgrevink In 1895, while other theories suggest that Maori They could have arrived in the seventh century, based on oral stories and remains of burned wood found in the sub -Antarctic islands.

There are no limits to humanity

Thus, humanity became a species without bordersdriven by curiosity and the need for adaptation. From the first traces in the sand to the conquest of the ice, each trip marked the beginning of a New chapter in the history of humanity. They dominated the earth, surrounded the seas and learned to fly.

Then they looked beyond, towards space. The Moon It has already been stepped on, some lucky ones have already been able Mars It is in the spotlight. As always, the horizon is just the beginning.

#journey #humanity #conquest #Earths #continents

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