In a ceremony full of Greek music and culture, and in the incomparable framework of the archaeological site of Olimpia, the cradle of the Olympic Games more than 2,800 years ago, the 144th session of the International Olympic Committee has been inaugurated, where, among other things, … It will be chosen new president of COI For the next 8 years.
In the ceremony, in which the newly appointed president of the Hellenic Republic, Constantinos Tanulas, the current president of the IOC, Thomas Bach, the president of the Greek Olympic Committee, Spyros Kapralos and Isidoros Kouvelos, president of the International Olympic Academy, highlighted the Greek music and dance, with lyrical performances and traditional dances, including the famous ‘Sirtaki’ composed of Mikis Theodorakis in 1964 for the soundtrack of the movie ‘Zorba El Griego’. As a symbolic act and to ask for world peace, Tasulas, Bach, Kouvelos and the mayor of the city of Olimpia have planted an olive tree in front of the City Council. Then, they visited the archaeological site and the museum, thus reinforcing the historical and cultural ties of the modern Olympic Games with Greece.
During the opening ceremony, Tasulas emphasized the importance of the concept of truce in an international context that is changing rapidly, stating that the role of the IOC is “of vital importance because it contributes to promoting the coexistence of the peoples and the peaceful resolution of conflicts.” For his part, Thomas Bach highlighted the Link between Olympism and Peace and said athletes are “peace ambassadors.”
Election of the president
The 144th session of the IOC will be held Between March 19 and 21 In Costa Navarino, about 100 kilometers away from the city of Olimpia. The election of the new COI president will take place next Thursday, March 20 after a secret vote. The election will be made through successive rounds in which the candidates who get less number of support will be eliminated.
Seven candidates compete to succeed Thomas Bach in the presidency of the IOC: Prince Jordano and president of the Jordan Olympic Committee, Feisal to Hussein; David Lappartient, president of the International Cycling Union; Johan Eliasch, president of the International Ski Federation; Zimbabue Kristy Coventry’s Olympic swimmer, the only candidate woman; British Lord Sebastian Coe, athlete, parliamentarian and director of the 2012 London Olympic Games; Japanese Morinari Watanabe, president of the International Gymnastics Federation; And finally, the Spanish Antonio Samaranch, son of the former president of the IOC, Juan Antonio Samaranchand current vice president of the IOC, of which he has been a member since 2001.
The new president will be elected by the 109 voters who are part of the exclusive COI club, which is 131 years old. The IOC is composed of members of real families, former political representatives, reputed entrepreneurs, Olympic athletes (both active and retired), famous and diplomatic actors. The presidency candidates must be members of the IOC and the process is marked by their strict norms. For the first time, a woman could become the first president in the history of the IOC. The new president will assume his position after the transfer of powers on June 23.
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