He Catalan Institute of Finances (ICF)the Catalan public entity, will have a record budget of 1,326 million euros in 2025. With this capacity, the firm will allocate 600 million euros – 45% of the total – to the construction of social housing, five times more than what was planned in last year’s budget, which was extended from 2023.
This is how he explained it Minister of Economy of the Generalitat, Alícia Romero, to Efe. The budget grows 12% compared to the previous year. It also arrives to promote the plan promised by the Catalan Executive to generate 50,000 new public homes by 2030. The ICF will have the role of facilitating access to credit for developers.
The leader also highlighted that, for the first time, financing will be offered “to the private sector” and funds will not only be reserved for the third sector and cooperatives.
In 2024, the entity has already financed the construction of 1,901 social apartments with a total investment of 194.9 million euros.
In addition, the financial company also has budgeted another 200 million euros to promote the construction of nursing homes, 310 million for favorable financing for SMEs, 100 million for the agri-food sector and 40 million for the modernization of the tourism industry in Catalonia.
The ICF will celebrate its 40th anniversary in 2025 with the aim of strengthening funds from public banks and European funds.
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