The Lord of the Rings: The Hunt for Gollumthe new film directed by Andy Serkis and produced by Peter Jackson, would have been in part inspired from the popularity of The Lord of the Rings: Gollum: this is the funny theory of the Hollywood Reporter.
A few hours after the announcement of The Lord of the Rings: The Hunt for Gollum, which will arrive in cinemas during 2026the American newspaper dedicated an article to the fan-film of the same name which has been available on YouTube for fifteen years now, which apparently will not be removed.
There history told in the amateur medium-length film, it is inspired by a moment that is only hinted at in Jackson’s original trilogy, when Galdalf asks Aragorn to hunt down Gollum to discover something more about Frodo’s ring.
According to the author of the piece, there is a real possibility that it was precisely the project in question, which you can see below, a give birth to the idea of a new film starring Gollumtogether as mentioned with the Daedalic Entertainment game.
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