The green policies of the European Union, many of them of mandatory compliance, are a challenge for companies. Now, in addition, it also implies friction points between them. This episode is lived between airlines and oil companies in the heavens of the old continent on account of the … fuel; specifically, of the SAF (generated from waste), whose use entails a reduction of emissions greater than 80% compared to the melting of mineral origin. All this fight will be paid by final consumers. It is estimated that Brussels environmental obligations Ticket prices will shoot 24% on intra -European flights during the next two decades.
With regard to the origin of the problem, everything arises because the European Union set very ambitious objectives to reduce net emissions with a view to becoming the first neutral continent in carbon from here to 2050. The first European Climate Law and the measurement package ‘Objective 55’ They collect goals and calendars, and mark as the first mission the reduction of emissions by 55% in 2030 compared to the 1990 levels. For this, since this year it will be mandatory for the airplanes to use at least 2% of SAF in its fuel load mixed with the traditional fuel. Figure that rises to 6% in 2030, at 20% in 2035, and the demands reach 70% in 2050.
The SAF business, despite the enormous importance it will have in the coming decades, for the moment is incipient due to various factors that are intertwined: the low demand, the low product and the high prices. All this has led to airlines and oil companies having entered a dead point over the future of this fuel.
Air companies estimate that the current prices paid for SAF are very high. In addition, they ensure that there is little production right now. For their part, oil companies are reluctant to invest more if the number of long -term orders is not increased.
On the production capacity, according to sources from the energy sector to ABC, in this aspect there is no problem, at least on Spanish soil. However, these sources indicate that, in any case, it would be necessary to take measures to boost such production. In the sense, the issue of costs comes to light again, and it is assumed that prices must be taken. An issue, they remember, that fiscal via could be done as is done with other technologies in the race for decarbonization.
On that green development, Airlines are the ones with the greatest problem due to their little margin to reduce emissions and get the objectives that each company has to achieve polluting neutrality. At the moment there are no electrification plans for airplanes, as it happens with terrestrial vehicles, so green fuel is the only tool. According to sources in the sector consulted by this means, when there is a more developed regulatory and sanctioning framework, it will be achieved that all the actors involved must seek a solution to the cost problem, something that both parties recognize right now, whatever their interests are.
Caro triple
For airlines, the increase in expenses that involves adapting to European environmental regulations is not much less trivial. Already this year, the forecast only in Spain is that all companies disburse an extra cost of 234 million euros. Each of them pays for each SAF ton around 2,700 euros, when for the same amount of fossil origin, around 800 euros is paid, three times less. And if we talk about synthetic SAF (created from renewable energy) the invoice You can shoot up to 7,000 euros per tonabout ten times more than its usual fuel is worth.
Its price worries, but its supply does more. In the commercial aeronautical sector there is a relative peace of mind with the current demands of 2% SAF, but the horizon is already seen with greater concern when the environmental requirements are raised to 6% of fuel use in 2030. According to a report by the European Air Safety Agency (EASA) above the required consumption of 2.8 million tons that are estimated to be needed. In the case of synthetic SAF, the objective of 1.2% will be almost impossible to fulfill taking into account that Europe will manufacture by then 0.3 million tons, half of what is necessary.
This deficit could have to be compensated with exports from other leading countries in the matter such as the United States with more cost overruns that will end up paying the final consumer, for which it is estimated that the plane ticket will be increased by 24% in 2050 on intra -European flights both by the SAF and for the Payments by CO2 emissions right.
The Employers of Aerolineas Ala has been asking for years for public incentives in favor of energy producers to buy the SAF at a lower price and not have to gain weight of the invoice to the final customer. It was recently recalled by the president of Ala, Javier Gándaraduring a business meeting at the CEOE. “If the ecological transition is not done well, with incentives and public support, there is a risk that aviation ceases to be an affordable mode of transport for all,” he warned.
The sector also takes time insisting to the government to create a plan that plays Spain as a world reference for SAF production. According to a PWC report commissioned by Iberia and Vueling, around that industry, our country could aspire to generate 56,000 million euros and 270,000 jobs. The necessary investment amounts to 22,000 million euros.
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