Several government ministers have gone out this Thursday to defend David Sánchez, brother of the president of the Government, after giving up his position in the Provincial Council of Badajoz. A decision that everyone has described as “Strictly personal” after facing “situations that fill your patience” and for which they have denounced a “persecution.” “There is a hunting that are carrying out ultra organizations And I hope it ends as soon as possible, “said the Minister of Presidency and Justice, Félix Bolaños, who has asked the” Ultra Jauría “and their” palm trees “to stop” harassing “politicians and their relatives.
Pedro Sánchez’s brother resigned on Wednesday to the position he had in the Pacense Diputación, whose contract is being subject to judicial investigation for alleged crimes of influence peddling, prevarication and embezzlement. In the midst of this investigation, Sánchez presented a letter with his “unilateral renunciation” of the position of head of the Office of the Performing Arts of the Diputación, which was held since 2017.
“There are times that people who are anonymous are faced with a situation that fills their patiencethat they do not have the capacity to live it in a normal way, which also hinders the functioning of their work, “explained the first vice president of the Government, María Jesús Montero, who has transferred her” respect “to the decision of David Sánchez and the “Tranquility” of the Executive because “the courts will end up giving the reason.” makes certain people suffer“He added in statements to journalists from Cádiz.
The spokesman, Pilar Alegría, has assured that the president’s brother is “subject to persecution” for the “only crime” of being a relative of Sánchez. In an interview on TVE, he agreed with his companions that justice “will put things in place” and that “there is nothing here”, among other things because when David Sánchez agreed to his post in the Diputación de Badajoz, his Brother was neither Chief of the Government nor even leader of the PSOE.
“Here all there is a person, who is an honest person, who has a formation, with a wide curriculum, who appeared to a square, who won it for his skills and who, however, has seen subject to this persecution by ultras organizations“, underpinned, stressing that the complaint was filed by the ultra -right -wing organization clean hands with” press clippings. “A signaling that Bolaños has also made, which has asked the” ultra -right -wing the Family “simply for not thinking like them.”
For his part, the Minister of Digital Transformation and Secretary General of the PSOE of Madrid, Óscar López, has been “truly sorry and outraged” for the resignation of David Sánchez, and has also blamed him for the “Frugo campaign” carried out from areas of ultra -right. “I am truly sorry and outraged that those mud campaigns end up having consequences on the life of honest, honest and innocent people, while others live in opaque attic RAC1.
Feijóo urges Sánchez to follow his steps
The opposition leader has taken advantage of the resignation of the until now head of the Performing Arts Office of the Badajoz Provincial Council for Urga the president of the Government to follow in the footsteps of his brother. “We have seen that he has resigned, after several years, it seems to be, without going to work, a Sánchez Pérez-Castejón; for something it starts,” he said in an ironic tone.
According to Feijóo, the Government of Spain has “Too many judicial, personal and family problems” And the president of the government “treasures all of them,” he said in relation to the Koldo OA case the open investigations to his wife Begoña Gómez.
For this reason, the popular has extended the recommendation to resign other socialist members, since The State Attorney General as to “the dozens of high government positions that are charged in corruption plots.”
#government #Tromba #defend #Sanchezs #brother #resignation #points #persecution