Replaces Lluís Salvadó, appointed by ERC in 2022, in office
The Government of Salvador Illa has appointed as the new president of the Port of Barcelona José Alberto Carbonellgeneral director of the institution for 15 years. The Catalan Executive has opted on this occasion for a technical and non-political profile, contrary to what the last regional governments had done.
Carbonell will take over from Lluís Salvadówho held the position of Secretary of Finance of the Generalitat in 2016 and 2017 and was appointed president of the Port of Barcelona in November 2022 by ERC.
Salvadó, who in turn replaced Damià Calvet (Junts) after the departure of Puigdemont’s team from the Government due to the crisis with ERC, was one of the few senior officials appointed by Esquerra who were still in office.
Carbonell (Barcelona, 1964) is currently general director of port infrastructure. Civil, Canal and Port Engineer from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, he completed a Master’s Degree in Business Management and Administration (MBA) from EADA Business School Barcelona and a Senior Business Management Program (PADE) from the IESE Business School.
Started working at the Port Authority of Barcelona (APB) in 1991 and, after assuming different responsibilities, he was appointed general director by the Board of Directors held in January 2009.
#Government #appoints #José #Alberto #Carbonell #president #Port #Barcelona